Community Investment Framework

The council is committed to promoting stronger communities. It wants to ensure that local communities have a say in what matters to them, and that the resources it invests in communities are focussed on evidence of greatest need, and co-ordinated with partner organisations to help meet those needs in a more effective way.

To do this the council has agreed a Community Investment Framework which acts as a checklist to guide the development of proposals to maximise the impact of investing time and resources.

Our vision is for attractive vitalised neighbourhoods with community infrastructure that meets local need, and places and communities where people want to live, can thrive, and feel they belong.

New and existing communities will connect well, with good access to facilities, services and activities.

Communities will be enabled to become healthy and resilient, taking on more ownership, and people will influence the changes affecting their areas.

There are five key objectives, all underpinned by a set of principles:

  1. To enhance the built and natural environment through regeneration of areas of greatest need.
  2. To protect and enhance the provision and quality of facilities and spaces that people need.
  3. To enable good access to services for all through co-ordinated partnership working.
  4. To enable residents to be informed and involved in shaping their local areas.
  5. To connect people and places, including between and within new and existing communities, and improve accessibility and movement.

View a copy of the Community Investment Framework 2016 (opens in a new window) (PDF), which is supported by an action plan.

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