Planning application forms and requirements

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Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission

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Planning Application Requirements

The following Plans and Supporting Documents are required to meet National and Local requirements. They may be either Conditional or Mandatory. Review the Condition/Trigger to determine if that requirement applies to your application.

Requirements are marked with L=Local, N=National, C=Conditional, M=Mandatory.

Plan Requirements

(NM) Application form

Completed form (original plus 1 copy to be supplied unless the application is submitted electronically).

(NM) Fee

The appropriate fee.

(NM) Agricultural Holding certificate

Complete the certificate as required by Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.

(LM) Location Plan

2 copies of a plan which identifies the land to which the application relates drawn to an identified standard metric scale (typically 1:1250 or 1:2500 for larger sites) and should show:

  • the direction north
  • sufficient roads and/or buildings on land adjoining the application site
  • the application site boundary and all land necessary to carry out the proposed development i.e. land required for access to the site from the road, outlined in red
  • A blue line should be drawn around any other land owned by the applicant that is close to or adjacent to the property.

When using Ordnance Survey mapping for planning applications, the map should:

  1. Not be a Land Registry document
  2. Not be used for multiple applications
  3. Show OS Crown copyright as a an acknowledgment
  4. Not be a photocopy or screen grab image
  5. Not to be copied from existing OS mapping if using hand drawn maps – such as standard sheets.
  6. Show the correct licence number if you wish to print or copy maps for applications

(LM) Block Plan

The block plan (2 copies) should be drawn at an identified standard metric scale (1:500). It should show the proposed development in relation to the site boundaries and other existing buildings on the site, with metric dimensions specified including those to the boundaries. It should also show the direction of north.

It should also include the following – unless they would NOT influence or be affected by the proposed development:

  1. All buildings, roads and footpaths on land adjoining the site including access arrangements.
  2.  All public rights of way crossing or adjoining the site.
  3. The position of all trees on the site, and those on adjacent land. 
  4. The extent and the type of any hard surfacing.
  5. The boundary treatment including walls or fencing where this is proposed.

(LM) All necessary drawings, documents, materials to demonstrate and/or support the submission

Supporting Document Requirements

(LC) Landscaping details

Applications may be accompanied by landscaping details and include proposals for long term maintenance and landscape management. There should be reference to landscaping and detailed landscaping proposals which follow from the design concept in the Design and Access Statement, if required.

Existing trees and other vegetation should, where practicable, be retained in new developments and protected during the construction of the development.

Visit Landscaping and rural guidance for further details.

Condition / Trigger

For all full planning and outline applications and reserved matters where landscaping has not already been approved. Proposals to include details of proposals, long term maintenance and landscape management.

For householder development where existing trees, hedges and other landscape features will be affected by the proposals and landscaping needs to be considered as an integral part of the development.

Where there will be changes to the existing levels of the site, details of existing and proposed levels will be required to show the impact of the development on the landscape. Proposals affecting trees and the wider landscape should include reference to the following guidance: Landscaping and rural guidance

Policy Requirement

BDLP 2011-2029 Policy EM1. Landscape and Biodiversity and Trees SPD.

(LC) Planning Statement

A planning statement identifies the context and need for a proposed development and includes an assessment of how the proposed development accords with relevant national, regional and local planning policies. It may also include details of consultations with the local planning authority and wider community/statutory consultees undertaken prior to submission. Alternatively, a separate statement on community involvement may also be appropriate. 

Planning Statement - 'Major' Planning Applications
For major planning applications for new residential development details are required of the proposed provision for new pedestrian routes and access opportunities for residents, both within the proposed development and to form linkages to the wider path network beyond the application site. This information is required to ensure that new major residential developments create an attractive environment for walking as a sustainable means of transportation and for the promotion of walking for health and wellbeing as part of a sustainable community.
Planning Statement - Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
Through the planning system planning authorities and the police are working in partnership to ensure current crime prevention initiatives are incorporated in new built and refurbished properties.  With developers cooperation crime and the fear of crime for those living, working or visiting the site can be reduced.  Applicants whose development is more than 10 dwellings or industrial sites over 1500m2 should make comment on these issues using the form: Crime Prevention
Planning Statement - Construction Statement  
Explanation:  A Construction Statement is required to demonstrate how the proposed development has been designed to incorporate renewable energy and the impacts of climate change to achieve a BREEAM 'very good' standard in order to comply with BDLP 2011-2029 Policies EM8, EM9 and EM10.  When determining applications, this authority will consider how the development has maximised the potential sustainability measures in line with those policies.
For further information on Construction Statements:



In relation to Water Consumption a Construction Statement is required for:

a)  New homes (including replacement dwellings) meet a water efficiency standard of 110 litres or less per person per day;

b)  New non-residential development of 1000sqm gross floor area or more meet the BREEAM ‘excellent’ standards for water consumption.

Policy Requirement:

BDLP 2011-2029 Policies EM8, EM9 and EM10.

Planning Statement - Proposals to sub divide dwellings or the change of use to a dwelling in multiple occupancy:

The council has produced guidance to inform such developments.  Visit Design and Sustainability SPD (Section 8) for further details.  Developments that create an additional dwelling may require a Planning Obligation Agreement.

Planning Statement - Proposals outside of Basingstoke Town:

Certain parts of the borough have a village design statement. These documents seek to guide development and define local distinctiveness. Planning applications within these areas should take account of the relevant documents:
Design and Sustainability SPD (Appendix 1 - Village Design Statements)

Planning Statement - Proposals for one or more dwellings:

The following Design, Supplementary Planning Guidance and Supplementary Planning Documents should be referred to in your Planning Statement:

Any Village Design Statement

Planning Practice Guidance - Design

Design and Sustainability SPD

Landscape, Biodiversity and Trees SPD

Heritage SPD

Parking SPD

Planning Statement - Commercial development:

The following Design, Supplementary Planning Guidance and Supplementary Planning documents should be referred to in your Planning Statement:

Design and Sustainability SPD
Parking SPD

Planning Statement - Farm Diversification and reuse of agricultural buildings:
The council has produced guidance to encourage appropriate diversification for the reuse of farm buildings. Reference to this guidance should be made in your Planning Statement. Heritage SPD (Appendix A).

Condition / Trigger

Required for:

  • farm diversification proposals
  • proposals for reuse of agricultural buildings


Policy Requirement

Policies of the BDLP 2011-2029 and relevant Supplementary Planning Documents.


The fee payable is dependent on a number of factors.
Click here for documents which explain how to calculate the fee for your application

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