Householder application for planning permission for works or extension to a dwelling

Applications to extend or alter a single dwelling or erect an outbuilding.


Planning Application Requirements

The following Plans and Supporting Documents are required to meet National and Local requirements. They may be either Conditional or Mandatory. Review the Condition/Trigger to determine if that requirement applies to your application.

Requirements are marked with L=Local, N=National, C=Conditional, M=Mandatory.

Plan Requirements

TypeRequirementIncludedReason if not included
NMApplication form
LMPlanning Application Additional Information Requirement Form
NMOwnership certificate
NMAgricultural Holding certificate
LMHouseholder Location Plan
NMBlock Plan
NMExisting and proposed elevations
NMExisting and proposed floor plans
NMExisting and proposed site sections and finished floor levels
NMRoof Plan

Supporting Document Requirements

TypeRequirementIncludedReason if not included *
LCParking Provision
LCTree Survey/Arboricultural Implications.

* = or if included in another document, please state which


The fee payable is dependent on a number of factors. See for documents which explain how to calculate the fee for your application.

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