Application for outline planning permission with all matters reserved

Planning Application Requirements

The following Plans and Supporting Documents are required to meet National and Local requirements. They may be either Conditional or Mandatory. Review the Condition/Trigger to determine if that requirement applies to your application.

Requirements are marked with L=Local, N=National, C=Conditional, M=Mandatory.

Plan Requirements

TypeRequirementIncludedReason if not included
NMApplication form
LMPlanning Application Additional Information Requirement Form
NMOwnership certificate
NMAgricultural Holding certificate
NMLocation Plan
NMBlock Plan
LMOutline indicative plans (if some matters reserved)

Supporting Document Requirements

TypeRequirementIncludedReason if not included *
LCAffordable Housing statement
LCAir quality assessment
NMBiodiversity Net Gain Statement
LCBiodiversity survey and report
LCDaylight / Sunlight:
NMDesign and Access Statement
LCEconomic Statement
LCEnvironmental Statement
LCFlood Risk Assessment
LCFoul sewage and utilities assessment.
LCHeritage statement (including Historical, archaeological features and Scheduled Monuments)
LCLand Contamination
LCLandscaping details
LCLighting Assessment
LCNoise assessment
LCOpen Space Assessment
LCParking Provision
LCPhotographs and Photomontages
LCPlanning Obligations Draft Head(s) of terms
LCPlanning Statement
LCStatement of Community Involvement
LCTown Centre uses - Evidence to accompany applications.
LCTransport Assessment
LCTravel Plan
LCTree Survey/Arboricultural Implications.

* = or if included in another document, please state which


The fee payable is dependent on a number of factors. See for documents which explain how to calculate the fee for your application.

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