The Bramley Neighbourhood Plan Referendum was held on Thursday 9 February 2017. In total, 95% of the voters on the day said 'Yes' to the Neighbourhood Plan. View results below.
The Bramley Neighbourhood Plan 2011 to 2029 was ‘made’ at Full Council on 30 March 2017. The Plan now forms part of the Development Plan for the parish and will be used to guide planning decisions in Bramley. A copy of the final version of the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan, Decision Statement and Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) Adoption Statement can be viewed below:
Bramley Neighbourhood Plan - March 2017(PDF) [9 Mb]
Appendix B: Summary of Community Consultation(PDF) [4 Mb]
Appendix C: Bramley Village Character Assessment(PDF) [14 Mb]
Appendix D: Vista Views and Important Landscape Views(PDF) [4 Mb]
Appendix E: Trees Woodlands Hedgerows and Local Green Spaces(PDF) [6 Mb]
Appendix F: Evaluation of Transport Effects(PDF) [8 Mb]
Appendix G: Evaluation of Traffic Hazards(PDF) [785 kb]
Appendix H: Additional Local Evidence Base(PDF) [7 Mb]
Bramley Decision Statement(PDF) [164 kb]
The Bramley Neighbourhood Plan Referendum was held on Thursday 9 February 2017. In total, 95% of the voters on the day said 'Yes' to the Neighbourhood Plan. View results below.
SEA Adoption Statement(PDF) [277 kb]
Hard copies of these documents can be viewed at Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Offices between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday, and at Basingstoke Discovery Centre and Chineham Library at their normal opening times.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council agreed to proceed to a referendum on the draft Bramley Neighbourhood Plan on 25 November 2016. As required by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) regulations, a Decision Statement has been published which can be found below.
In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendum) Regulations (2012) the council has published an Information Statement which sets out information relating to the referendum and also the following specified documents:
Bramley Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement(PDF) [917 kb]
Draft Bramley Neighbourhood Plan (as modified)(PDF)
The Independent Examiner report(PDF) [426 kb]
Summary of Representations submitted to the independent examiner(PDF) [312 kb]
Notice of Referendum(PDF) [204 kb]
The Referendum was held on Thursday 9 February 2017 between 7am and 10pm. The question asked in the referendum was:
“Do you want Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Bramley to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
The referendum area is identified on the map which is included with the information statement. The referendum area is identical to the area which has been designated as the Neighbourhood Plan area for Bramley.
The referendum was conducted based in accordance with procedures similar to those used at local government elections.
The council received the independent examiners report for the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan (NP) on 21 October 2016.
The examiner recommended that, subject to a number of proposed modifications, the Plan should proceed to referendum. The examiner also recommended that the area for the referendum be based on the designated Bramley Neighbourhood Area as approved by the council in March 2013.
In addition, during the examination the examiner requested further clarification in terms of the reference in policy SS5 of the Adopted Local Plan 2011–2029 to ‘at least’ in respect of the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan. The borough council provided a formal written response to the examiner.
Bramley final examiner's report(PDF) [551 kb]
Borough Council formal written response to the examiner(PDF) [324 kb]
The Bramley Neighbourhood Plan (NP) was published for consultation on 18 July 2016 for a period of seven weeks. The consultation documents consisted of:
Bramley Submission Neighbourhood Plan(PDF) [7 Mb]
Bramley Strategic Environmental Assessment Report(PDF) [2 Mb]
Bramley consultation statement(PDF) [3 Mb]
Bramley Basic Conditions Statement(PDF) [2 Mb]
Representations on this consultation can be viewed upon request. If you would like to view any particular representations for this consultation, please contact the Planning Policy team by emailing All the representations made and the submission plan have been issued to the appointed independent Neighbourhood Plan Examiner.
In addition, the plan was subject to a compliance check to ensure it complies with the relevant legislation. The borough council’s decision and completed checklist can be viewed below:
BDBC Bramley Neighbourhood Plan compliance checklist(PDF) [346 kb]
BDBC Bramley Neighbourhood Plan compliance checklist letter(PDF) [155 kb]
Consultation on the Pre-Submission ODNP took place from 29 June to 19 August 2015. Visit the Bramley Parish Council website for more information.
The borough council has undertaken screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The results of the screening report and the decision notice is available to view below:
Bramley Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Report(PDF) [3 Mb]
Bramley Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Decision Notice(PDF) [193 kb]
The neighbourhood area for Bramley was designated on 22 March 2013. Information associated with the designation of the neighbourhood area can be viewed below:
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