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Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan

The Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan was first ‘made’ at Full Council on the 18 May 2017. The Plan has since been modified and the updated version of the Plan was made by Full Council on 16 May 2024 (which superseded the Plan made in 2017).

Neighbourhood Plan Review

The Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan (as Modified 2023) 2011-2029 was made by Full Council on 16 May 2024. This plan supersedes the Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan that was made in 2017.

The Plan forms part of the Development Plan and will be used to guide planning decision in the parish. A copy of the final version of the Neighbourhood Plan and Decision Statement can be viewed below:

PDF document Sherborne St John Plan (as Modified 2023) including the Design Code(PDF) [14 Mb]

PDF document Decision Statement(PDF) [189 kb]

PDF document SEA/HRA Decision Notice(PDF) [144 kb]

Hard copies of these documents can be viewed at:

  • Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Offices between the hours of 9am and 12 noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday (Pre-booked appointment required - To book an appointment please call us and select option 4 to speak to one of our Customer Advisors).
  • Basingstoke Discovery Centre - find the Discovery Centre's normal opening times

From 16 May 2024, the Neighbourhood Plan is subject to a 6 week period where applications can be made to the High Court on the grounds that the neighbourhood plan is not within the appropriate powers and/or a procedural requirement has not been complied with. This six-week period of legal challenge ends on 28 June 2024.

Examination report

The council received the Examiners report on 11 April 2024.

PDF document Sherborne St John Examiners Report(PDF) [369 kb]

On the 16 May 2024 BDBC made the decision to accept the examiners modifications.

PDF document Decision Statement(PDF) [220 kb]


Janet Cheesley was appointed to carry out an Independent Examination of the Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan. The Examination commenced on 4 March 2024.

PDF document Notification of commencement of examination(PDF) [536 kb]

PDF document NPIERS guidance to service users and examiners(PDF) [689 kb]

PDF document Sherborne St John Parish Council response to the examiner(PDF) [522 kb]

Submission Consultation (Regulation 16)

The Regulation 16 Neighbourhood Plan consultation closed on Friday 12 February 2024.

All of the representations can be viewed below:

PDF document Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 responses(PDF)

The Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan (SSJNP) Modification Proposal was submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) on 30 November 2023. The plan has been subject to a legal compliance check to ensure it accords with the relevant legislation. The borough council’s decision and completed checklist can be found below:

PDF document Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan Compliance check letter(PDF) [215 kb]

PDF document Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan compliance checklist(PDF) [210 kb]

The Regulation 16 consultation closed on Monday 26 February 2024.

The consultation documents can be found below:

PDF document Submission Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan 2011-2029 (as modified November 2023)(PDF) [19 Mb]

PDF document Consultation Statement(PDF) [8 Mb]

PDF document Basic Conditions Statement(PDF) [2 Mb]

PDF document Modification Proposal Statement(PDF) [681 kb]

PDF document Strategic Environmental Assessment screening report(PDF) [3 Mb]

PDF document Strategic Environmental Assessment Decision Notice(PDF) [198 kb]

Supporting evidence documents

PDF document Local Gap Study(PDF) [5 Mb]

PDF document Key Views(PDF) [7 Mb]

PDF document Conservation Area Review(PDF) [3 Mb]

PDF document Local Green Space Report(PDF) [16 Mb]

PDF document Wildlife and Ecology(PDF) [4 Mb]

Public notice

The public notice for the consultation is available below:

PDF document Public Notice Regulation 16 Consultation(PDF) [122 kb]

The council has prepared a guidance note on the Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan which can be viewed below:

PDF document Guidance Note on the submission(PDF) [140 kb]

What happens next?

At the end of the publicity period any comments received will be passed on to the appointed examiner who will then carry out an independent examination on the neighbourhood plan. The examiner will consider whether the plan meets the Basic Conditions or whether any changes need to be made. The examiner will recommend if the plan should proceed to referendum.

Details of the examination timetable and procedure will be published when available.

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment

The borough council has undertaken screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The results of the screening report and the decision notice are available to view below:

PDF document Sherborne St John SEA_HRA Screening report decision - April 2023(PDF) [3 Mb]

PDF document Sherborne St John SEA_HRA Screening report decision notice - April 2023(PDF) [203 kb]

Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan (2017)

The Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan (2011-2029) was made at Full Council on 18 May 2017. The Plan now forms part of the Development Plan for the parish and will be used to guide planning decisions in Sherborne St John. A copy of the final version of the Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan and the Decision Statement can be viewed below.

PDF document Decision Statement(PDF) [152 kb]

PDF document Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan 2011 to 2029(PDF) [3 Mb]

PDF document SEA and HRA Screening Decision Notice(PDF) [173 kb]

Hard copies of these documents can be viewed at Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Offices between the hours of 8:30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday, and at Basingstoke Discovery Centre and Tadley Library during their normal opening times.

Referendum results

The Referendum on the Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 4 May 2017. A total of 58% of the voters on the day said ‘Yes’ to the Neighbourhood Plan. Read further information on the results of the Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan Referendum.


Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council agreed to proceed to a referendum on the draft Sherborne Neighbourhood Plan on 15 March 2017. As required by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) regulations, a Decision Statement has been published which can be found below.

In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendum) Regulations (2012) the council has published an Information Statement which sets out information relating to the referendum and also the following specified documents:

PDF document Information Statement(PDF) [2 Mb]

PDF document Draft Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan (as modified)(PDF) [3 Mb]

PDF document Independent Examiner's report(PDF) [378 kb]

PDF document Summary of representations submitted to the independent examiner(PDF) [134 kb]

PDF document Statement (the Sherborne St John Decision Statement) that the local planning authority is satisfied that the draft plan meets the basic conditions and complies with the provisions made by or under sections 38A and 38B of the 2004 Act(PDF) [133 kb]

PDF document General information statement on town and country planning, neighbourhood planning and the referendum(PDF) [112 kb]

PDF document Notice of Referendum(PDF) [66 kb]

The Referendum was held on Thursday 4 May 2017 between 7am and 10pm. The question asked in the referendum was:

“Do you want Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Sherborne St John to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

The referendum area is identified on the map which is included with the information statement. The referendum area is identical to the area which has been designated as the Neighbourhood Plan area for Sherborne St John.

The referendum was conducted based in accordance with procedures similar to those used at local government elections.

Examiner's Report

Following the Regulation 16 consultation held from November 2016 to January 2017, Ms Janet Cheesley was appointed to carry out an independent examination of the Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan. The examination was carried out by written representations.

The council received the examiners report on 10 February 2017. The examiner recommended that, subject to a number of proposed modifications, the Plan should proceed to referendum. The council is now deciding what action to take in response to the recommendations in the report.

Publication (Regulation 16)

The Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation on 28 November 2016 for a period of seven weeks. The consultation documents consisted of:

PDF document The Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan submission draft(PDF) [3 Mb]

PDF document Consultation Statement(PDF) [806 kb]

PDF document Basic Conditions Statement(PDF) [806 kb]

Representations on this consultation can be viewed upon request. If you would like to view any particular representations for this consultation, please contact the Planning Policy team by emailing All the representations made and the submission plan have been issued to the appointed independent Neighbourhood Plan Examiner.

Additional evidence base documents are available to view on the Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan website.

The Plan was subject to a compliance check to ensure it complies with the relevant legislation. The borough council’s decision and completed checklist can be found here:

PDF document BDBC Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan compliance checklist letter(PDF) [138 kb]

PDF document BDBC Sherborne St John Plan compliance checklist(PDF) [373 kb]

Pre-submission (Regulation 14)

Find out more information on the consultation on the Pre-Submission SSJNP which took place from 1 April to 16 May 2016.

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment

The borough council has undertaken screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The results of the screening report and the decision notice is available to view below:

PDF document Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Report(PDF) [4 Mb]

PDF document Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Decision Notice(PDF) [173 kb]

Neighbourhood Plan Area designation

The Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Area was approved on 27 March 2013. View copies of the documents associated with the area designation below:

PDF document Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Area map(PDF) [3 Mb]

PDF document Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Area application(PDF) [214 kb]

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