There are some types of exempted development, and certain types of permission where the legal BNG requirement does not currently apply:
- permissions relating to applications made before the date of commencement for mandatory BNG i.e., 12 February 2024 (or for small sites, 2 April 2024) (however please note these will still be subject to the Council’s requirement for BNG set out in local policy).
- section 73 permissions where the original permission which the Section 73 relates to was either granted before 12 February 2024 or the application for the original permission was made before 12 February 2024 (or for small sites, 2 April 2024).
- retrospective planning permissions made under section 73A.
- ‘De minimis’ development that does not impact a priority habitat and impacts an area of non-priority onsite habitat less than 25m2, or 5m for linear habitats i.e., hedgerows and watercourses.
- householder applications as defined within article 2(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.
- self-build and custom-build development where these consist of no more than 9 dwellings, occur on a site area no larger than 0.5ha and it consists only of self build and custom housing as defined in section 1(A1) of the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015.
- biodiversity gain sites - developments undertaken for the purpose of fulfilling the BNG planning condition for another development are exempt.
- permissions granted through a development order under section 59 (includes permitted development rights).
- urgent Crown development (granted under 293A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990).
Other types of permission that are not subject to the BNG requirement include:
- reserved matters approvals (these are not applications for permission, the BNG requirement is attached to the original outline permission)
- permissions in principle (but the subsequent technical details consent would be subject to the general biodiversity gain condition)
Mandatory biodiversity net gain has not been commenced yet for planning permissions granted through other routes, including local development orders, neighbourhood development orders, successful enforcement appeals and deemed planning permission.
Please refer to the Defra blog for further information on exemptions and transitional arrangements.