The Economic Development team work closely with Love Basingstoke. You’ll find lots of information about working in Basingstoke on the Love Basingstoke website including funding and news.
The Economic Development team work closely with Love Basingstoke. You’ll find lots of information about working in Basingstoke on the Love Basingstoke website including funding and news.
You will find lots of information on business support and advice within the work section of the Love Basingstoke website.
There are lots of active networking groups in Basingstoke and Deane to help you connect with other business people. If you are looking for a networking group take a look at the Networking page on the Love Basingstoke website to find a group that's right for you.
Unlock your potential with our Training Hub. We are offering local businesses and employees access to a free online learning platform with SEEDL.
Once registered, you can take part in an unlimited number of courses. On completing a course, you can download a learning certificate to evidence your personal development in gaining additional skills and knowledge. As an accredited organisation, SEEDL provides training, workshops and events which can count towards continuing professional development, known as CPD hours.
Visit the training hub - it's time to thrive!
To find out about the Hampshire Growth Hub and other organisations that can help and support your business visit the Basingstoke Business Community Page on the Love Basingstoke website.
If you are looking for a new home for your business, take a look at the property section on the Love Basingstoke website where you will find information on business districts, commercial property agents and relocating your business.
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