Design review

Design review is an independent and impartial evaluation process where a panel of experts on the built environment assesses the design of a proposal. The importance of design review is recognised by the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework which states that local planning authorities should ensure that they make appropriate use of tools and processes for assessing and improving the design of development including design review arrangements.

Design review for Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council is provided by the North East Hampshire Design Review Panel, the Hampshire Design Review Panel and the Design South East Design Review Panel.

North East Hampshire Design Review Panel

The Panel reviews development proposals and provides advice to local planning authorities and planning applicants on design issues. The Panel serves:

  • Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
  • Hart District Council
  • Rushmoor Borough Council

The Panel is made up of members of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) the Landscape Institute (LI) and other professional organisations who volunteer their time and expertise. Panel members attend monthly meetings hosted by the participating local authorities; it is independent and its members offer impartial advice.

We refer development proposals to the Panel where the advice of design professionals is required to assist in the determination of planning applications or the provision of pre-application advice. Planning applicants or their agents may also request, via the council, that their proposals (including pre-application consultations) are considered by the Panel. The consideration of development proposals is at the discretion of the Panel Chair and of the local planning authority. Planning applicants or their agents may be requested to present their schemes to the Panel in person.

Hampshire Design Review Panel

In exceptional circumstances, the Panel may refer development proposals to be considered by the countywide Panel which chiefly comprises the chairs of the individual local design review panels throughout the county.

Design South East Design Review Panel

The Panel provides advice to local planning authorities and planning applicants on architectural and urban design issues affecting particularly significant development proposals. It has members from a range of professional backgrounds offering a multidisciplinary approach to design review. Where appropriate, we will support the use of the Panel to review development proposals. We would expect applicants to meet the cost of any review carried out by this Panel.

Contact details

Urban Design

Telephone: 01256 845492

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