Guidance notes for breeding dogs
Guidance notes for new applicants - breeding dogs
Best practise puppy management
Application form - Breeding dogs
A breeding establishment is defined as any premises where the business of breeding of dogs for sale is carried on. In all cases except dog breeding the licensable activity is solely restricted to businesses or those operating on a commercial basis. For dog breeders a limit on the number of litters is also in place unless it can be proved that none of the puppies from these litters are sold.
The definition of breeding dogs in Schedule 1 of the regulations is either or both of the following:
(a) breeding three or more litters of puppies in any 12-month period
(b) breeding dogs and advertising a business of selling dogs
A decision as to whether a breeder with bitches producing fewer than three litters a year needs to be licensed will depend on whether the breeder concerned is carrying on a business, which will be determined by the local authority on a case by case basis.