
Drainage can be categorised under three main headings; sewerage, highway drainage and land drainage.


On 1 October 2011 the Government transferred all sewage pipes outside your property boundaries and all sewage pipes which are shared with another property within your boundary to the sewerage/water companies. In Basingstoke and Deane this will be either Thames Water Utilities or Southern Water.

The following links take you the relevant page of their website which explain the changes:

If you believe the sewer is blocked you need to contact the relevant company. Check your sewerage bill to find out which company to contact. Thames Water covers Basingstoke town centre and the Tadley area. Southern Water covers anything west of the town.

Complaints about Thames Water or Southern Water

If you are dissatisfied with the service provided by Thames Water or Southern Water you should follow their complaints procedure. The following links take you the relevant page of their website:

Septic tanks and cesspools

These are normally privately owned and serve only one property. However, two or more houses can sometimes share them. In this case, the responsibility for maintenance and upkeep rests equally with the users of the facility. The council's Environmental Health team can take action to investigate and resolve problems with spillage, overflow or odour affecting septic tanks and cesspools.

New rules for septic tanks and small sewage treatment plantsSeptic tank image

New rules have been introduced to simplify the way septic tanks and small sewage treatment plants are regulated in England, protecting the environment and improving water quality.

If you have concerns regarding sewage pollution report it to us.

Inform us about pollution

If you have a septic tank or small sewage treatment plant you must comply with the ‘general binding rules’ by ensuring your system is maintained properly and does not cause pollution. Extra protection is in place in areas designated as environmentally sensitive, where people may need to apply for a permit if they install a new system.

You can read the general binding rules in full and find further information on the GOV.UK website

Highway drainage

This is the drainage that clears the rainwater from the roads and footpaths. The most common problems are blocked gullies and ditches which may result in water pooling on the surface.

All drainage associated with the public highway is the responsibility of the Highway Authority, Hampshire County Council.

You can contact the Hampshire Highways Unit by visiting Hampshire County Council's website or by calling 0300 555 1388

Land drainage

Land drainage deals with natural flows such as rivers and watercourses. Individual landowners are responsible for the drainage of their own land and for accepting and dealing with natural flows from adjoining land.

We have permissive powers available to enable us to intervene when ordinary watercourses become obstructed. The Environment Agency has similar permissive powers in respect of main rivers.

Consumer Council for Water strongly represents domestic and business water consumers.

Contact details

Environmental Health team

If you have an enquiry about environmental health, send a message to the Environmental Health team

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