The Forward Plan

The Forward Plan summarises the main executive decisions the Cabinet and individual portfolio holders are likely to take over the next four months.

Key decisions

The council makes many decisions. A key decision is an executive decision that meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • it will have a long-term (5 years +) or permanent effect on the council or borough.
  • it affects individuals or organisations outside the borough.
  • it affects individuals or organisations in more than one ward
  • it is worth more than £50,000 or 25% of the annual revenue budget of the service or function of the capital allocation to the scheme concerned, whichever is the greater

Making decisions

The Cabinet collectively makes some of the decisions at a public meeting or alternatively individual portfolio holders make decisions after consultation with every member of the council.

For further information about decisions:

How you can contribute to the decision-making process

The council encourages and welcomes anyone wishing to express his or her views about decisions the Cabinet plans to make. This can be done by writing directly to the appropriate Cabinet Member or lead officer. The decision maker (whether this be an individual portfolio holder or the Cabinet as a whole) will then consider any views expressed. The deadline for contributions for portfolio holder decisions is before the anticipated decision due date, or the date of the relevant Cabinet meeting for those decisions to be considered by the Cabinet as a whole. It may be helpful if you respond before the deadline as this gives more time for consideration to be given to points you wish to make.

Contributions are also welcomed at Cabinet and Full Council meetings, when questions can be publicly directed at the decision makers. Those wishing to raise questions at these meetings should contact the Democratic Services team.

Forward Plan document

This Forward Plan has been prepared in accordance with Regulation 9 of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. In so far as functions have not been allocated by the Council’s Constitution (Part 3), this plan indicates the arrangements now being made under Section 15(4) of the Local Government Act 2000 for the discharge of functions in connection with the listed key decisions.

View key decision to be considered by Cabinet, Cabinet members and officers

Cllr Paul Harvey
Leader of the Council

Contact details

Democratic services team

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