Basingstoke and Deane is a great place to live today thanks to the well-thought-out and bold long-term decisions taken in the 1960s, ‘70s and ‘80s, which planned our current infrastructure.
Horizon 2050 sets an ambitious and aspirational shared vision to ensure that residents have high quality homes, jobs, and leisure and community facilities for decades to come. This will drive and provide the foundations for far-reaching decisions about the future, setting the direction for the council and other partners’ work.
How was Horizon 2050 developed?
The vision reflects the aspirations and ambitions of lots of different organisations and residents who contributed their ideas through workshops and events to help determine what is important and right for the future of the borough. A public consultation was held during the summer of 2018 and a telephone sample survey was carried out. All views provided informed the development of the vision, which was adopted by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in February 2019 and Basingstoke Area Strategic Partnership in March 2019.
The vision has been endorsed by local businesses and organisations
- Anvil Arts
- Ayre Chamberlain and Gaunt
- Basingstoke College of Technology
- Basingstoke Consortium
- Basingstoke Voluntary Action
- Destination Basingstoke
- EBP South
- Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service - North Hampshire Group
- Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Land and Property Group
- Queen Mary’s College
- The University of Winchester