We are committed to the continuous improvement of our service delivery. The challenges our borough faces are wide ranging from the climate crisis, housing, growth, regeneration. The performance work is underpinned by Key Performance Indicators (KPI) measures. The assessment process of KPI’s enable a measure of the current performance of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council. The KPI’s have been formed by using both historical performance data and available benchmarking data from other local authorities, from platforms such as OFLOG and LG Inform, to source this data. This ensures that the KPIs are reasonable and provide a balanced representation of how a service has performed in the reported period.
These measures have been broken down to three priority areas which underpin the Council Plan 2023 to 2027 priorities:
1. A place where people can have pride in their communities and the borough.
2. A borough where we protect, restore, reconnect, and enhance our natural environment.
3. A council that delivers high-quality services for our residents.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council reports a total of 83 measures annually with 25 of these measures reported quarterly as part of the annual KPI reporting process. The above report presents the KPI measures for quarter four (Q4),end of year report, which reports on the 25 quarterly measures.
Performance management is an integral part of the corporate planning process. We are committed to reviewing our performance and strive to achieve high standards and to make sure that we are meeting the needs of our communities in the most effective way.
The Scrutiny Committee reviews performance and financial monitoring information that supports delivery of the Council Plan and budget strategy. Performance reports are available on ours Committees and their meetings webpage.
The annual Statement of Accounts provides an overview of key achievements and performance made against the Council Plan 2023 to 2027.
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