In some parks there are special bins for dog waste but generally litter bins should be used for this purpose. Once reported to us, dog fouling will be removed within 24 hours if in a play area and within five working days for all other areas.
A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) across the borough means that:
- it is an offence for persons in control of a dog not to clear up after their dog has fouled in a public place
- it is an offence for a person not to produce a means to clear up after their dog has fouled, for example sufficient dog poo bags, when asked to do so by an authorised officer
- failure to comply with a PSPO could result in an on the spot fine of £100 or ultimately prosecution
This PSPO has been extended until 30 November 2026.
A public consultation on the proposal to extend the PSPO was open between 22 September 2023 and 22 October 2023. This also included direct consultation with stakeholders specified by the act and those who represent parties who could be affected by the order.
A total of 37 responses were received. Of these, 29 expressed support for the continuation of controls and 7 raised questions or gave observations without indicating a view one way or the other. Only one person responded to indicate they did not support the proposed renewal.
Whether supportive or making observations, a number of responders also made additional comments. These included request for more publicity and signage, an increase in the number of bins, licensing of dog owners and proposing dog DNA databases be created; exclusion areas for dog walkers; the resources given to enforcing the PSPO, and the application of the order to persons with assistance dogs. These and other matters were raised when this PSPO was initially proposed and are covered in the 2020 Key Themes and Responses document.