The adopted Local Plan was subject to a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. This incorporates the requirements for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) under the SEA Directive and Regulations.
The SA performed a key role in providing a sound evidence base for the Local Plan. It formed an integrated part of the plan preparation process to make sure the social, environmental and economic issues were taken into account at every stage to ensure sustainable development. The SA informs the evaluation of alternatives and provides a powerful means of proving to decision makers, and the public, that the plan is the most appropriate given reasonable alternatives.
The various documents making up the SA are available to view below. This includes a non-technical summary, which provides a general overview of the SA process and summarises the key findings.
Revised Pre-Submission Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Appendices 1 - 13 (revised May 2014)(PDF)
Revised Pre-Submission Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal - Appendix 12a(PDF) [186 kb]
Revised Pre-Submission Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Appendices 14-15(PDF) [13 Mb]
Revised Pre-Submission Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Appendices 16-18(PDF) [12 Mb]
Revised Pre-Submission Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary(PDF) [1018 kb]
Pre-submission SA summary(PDF) [2 Mb]
Pre-submission SA Report(PDF) [2 Mb]
Pre-submission SA Appendices 1-13(PDF) [5 Mb]
Pre-Submission SA Appendices 14-15(PDF) [7 Mb]
Pre-submission SA Appendices 16-18(PDF) [6 Mb]
Core Strategy SA Scoping Report Summary(PDF) [963 kb]
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