The Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan (OBLNP) was submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) on 21 September 2017. The plan has been subject to a compliance check to ensure it accords with the relevant legislation. The borough council’s decision and completed checklist can be viewed below:
BDBC Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan compliance checklist letter(PDF) [140 kb]
BDBC Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan compliance checklist(PDF) [317 kb]
The consultation on the submission Old Basing and Lychpit NP closed on 11 December 2017. Comments received in response to the Submission consultation (Regulation 16) have been passed to the appointed examiner. The council has produced a summary of representations and submitted it to the independent examiner.
Representations on this consultation can be viewed upon request. If you would like to view any particular representations for this consultation, please contact the Planning Policy team by emailing
Summary of Representations(PDF) [619 kb]
Consultation documents
Documents were made available at key locations in Old Basing and Lychpit parish and the borough.
Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan(PDF) [7 Mb]
Consultation Statement(PDF) [2 Mb]
Basic Conditions Statement(PDF) [2 Mb]
Old Basing and Lychpit NP Reg 14 comments and Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan Team response/actions(PDF) [365 kb]
Old Basing and Lychpit NP Reg 14 comments from BDBC and Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan Team response/actions(PDF) [247 kb]
The representation form(DOCX) [389 kb]
A guidance note(DOC) [76 kb]
Revised comments on SEA screening from Historic England(PDF) [178 kb]
The public notice(PDF) [41 kb]