Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan

The Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan 2015-2029 was 'made' at Full Council on 19 July 2018. The Plan forms part of the Development Plan for the parish and will be used to guide planning decisions in Old Basing and Lychpit. A copy of the final version of the Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan and Decision Statement can be viewed below:

PDF document Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan (final version)(PDF)

PDF document Decision Statement(PDF) [152 kb]

PDF document SEA and HRA Screening Decision Notice(PDF) [3 Mb]

Hard copies of these documents can be viewed at Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council offices between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday, and at Basingstoke Discovery Centre and Chineham Library during their normal opening times.

Referendum results

The referendum for the Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 7 June 2018. There was a turnout of 20.89%. The results of the poll included: 1045 votes in favour (86.36%) and 161 votes against (13.31%). More than 50% of those voting in the referendum voted ‘yes’ and therefore the neighbourhood plan has become part of the statutory development plan for the parish of Old Basing and Lychpit.

PDF document Declaration of Result - Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Area(PDF) [217 kb]


Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council agreed to proceed to a referendum on the draft Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan in April 2018. As required by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) regulations, a Decision Statement was published which can be found below.

The Referendum was held on Thursday 7 June 2018. The question asked in the referendum was:

"Do you want Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Old Basing and Lychpit to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendum) Regulations (2012) the council has published an Information Statement which sets out information relating to the referendum and also the following specified documents:

PDF document Information Statement(PDF) [418 kb]

PDF document The referendum version of the Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan(PDF) [9 Mb]

PDF document The independent examiner's report on the Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan(PDF) [374 kb]

PDF document A summary of representations submitted to the independent examiner following consultation on the Plan(PDF) [619 kb]

PDF document A Decision Statement from the Local Planning Authority which confirms the draft Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions and other legislative requirements(PDF) [509 kb]

PDF document A statement that sets out general information in respect of town and country planning, which includes neighbourhood planning(PDF) [230 kb]


Janet Cheesley of Chec Planning Ltd was appointed to carry out an independent examination the Old Basing and Lychpit Neighborhood Plan (OBL NP). She was appointed by the borough council, in agreement with Old Basing and Lychpit Parish Council, having been referred to the council by the Neighbourhood Planning Independent Examiner Referral Service (NPIERS). The role of the appointed examiner is to determine whether the Plan meets the Basic Conditions. The examination took place in February 2018 and was carried out by written representations. The examiner recommended that subject to a number of proposed modifications, the plan should proceed to referendum.

PDF document Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan 2015 to 2029 examiner's report(PDF) [375 kb]

Publication (Regulation 16)

The Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan (OBLNP) was submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) on 21 September 2017. The plan has been subject to a compliance check to ensure it accords with the relevant legislation. The borough council’s decision and completed checklist can be viewed below:

PDF document BDBC Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan compliance checklist letter(PDF) [140 kb]

PDF document BDBC Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan compliance checklist(PDF) [317 kb]

The consultation on the submission Old Basing and Lychpit NP closed on 11 December 2017. Comments received in response to the Submission consultation (Regulation 16) have been passed to the appointed examiner. The council has produced a summary of representations and submitted it to the independent examiner.

Representations on this consultation can be viewed upon request. If you would like to view any particular representations for this consultation, please contact the Planning Policy team by emailing Local.Plan@basingstoke.gov.uk.

PDF document Summary of Representations(PDF) [619 kb]

Consultation documents

Documents were made available at key locations in Old Basing and Lychpit parish and the borough.

PDF document Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan(PDF) [7 Mb]

PDF document Consultation Statement(PDF) [2 Mb]

PDF document Basic Conditions Statement(PDF) [2 Mb]

PDF document Old Basing and Lychpit NP Reg 14 comments and Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan Team response/actions(PDF) [365 kb]

PDF document Old Basing and Lychpit NP Reg 14 comments from BDBC and Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Plan Team response/actions(PDF) [247 kb]

Word document The representation form(DOCX) [389 kb]

Word document A guidance note(DOC) [76 kb]

PDF document Revised comments on SEA screening from Historic England(PDF) [178 kb]

PDF document The public notice(PDF) [41 kb]

Pre-submission (Regulation 14)

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment

The borough council has undertaken screening for Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The results of the screening report and the decision notice is available to view below:

PDF document Old Basing and Lychpit SEA and HRA Screening Report(PDF) [3 Mb]

PDF document Old Basing and Lychpit SEA and HRA Screening Decision Notice(PDF) [123 kb]

Neighbourhood Plan Area designation

The neighbourhood area was designated on 2 October 2014. Information associated with the neighbourhood area designation can be viewed below:

PDF document Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Area map(PDF) [5 Mb]

PDF document Old Basing and Lychpit Neighbourhood Area application(PDF) [139 kb]

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