All open spaces worked in, or providing the backdrop for, an event must be risk assessed, along with any activities being undertaken in those sites.
A risk assessment identifies:
- any hazards that might be present
- enables you to estimate the severity of that hazard
- how likely it is that the hazard will cause harm
Control measures can then be put in place to reduce the likelihood of the hazard causing harm, thus reducing the risk factor.
Below are template risk assessments that volunteers and local green space groups can edit and use.
Our Community Green Space Officer can also support groups to produce new risk assessments and to update existing ones.
All risk assessments used by groups must be reviewed and signed off annually by the council, as well as after any amendments/updates. It is important that all volunteers and members of groups have seen and understand the risk assessments relevant to them and the control measures in place to keep them, the general public and the environment safe.
Risk assessment - tree planting(PDF) [145 kb]
Risk assessment - bat walk(PDF) [151 kb]
Risk assessment - burning bush(PDF) [153 kb]
Risk assessment - coppicing(PDF) [152 kb]
Risk assessment - driving on site(PDF) [162 kb]
Risk assessment - ecological surveying(PDF) [160 kb]
Risk assessment - generic volunteer work party(PDF) [151 kb]
Risk assessment - guided walk(PDF) [101 kb]
Risk assessment - litter pick(PDF) [160 kb]
Risk assessment - mini beast hunt(PDF) [164 kb]
Risk assessment - pond dipping(PDF) [164 kb]
Risk assessment - site - generic tool store(PDF) [166 kb]
Risk assessment - site - template(PDF) [175 kb]
Risk assessment - transporting tools(PDF) [149 kb]
Risk assessment - working in or near water(PDF) [163 kb]