View up to date information on the forecast from the Met office
Fallen trees
If you see a fallen tree on borough council land, this should be reported to us online. Any trees blocking the highway should be reported to Hampshire Highways by calling 0300 5551388 (8.30am to 5pm) or 101 if out of hours. Please call 999 in an emergency.
Power lines
The National Grid has provided information on what to do if you experience a power cut. To report a power cut or any fallen power lines, you can call the 105 number, which will take you to your local electricity network operator. For information on existing power cuts please use the POWER TRACK app that can be downloaded on both Apple and Android smartphones.
The Priority Services Register (Getting extra help with the Priority Services Register | Ofgem) provides free support for vulnerable residents in the event of a loss of gas or electricity supplies.
Water supplies
If you experience a loss of water, please visit South East Water’s website or call 0333 000 0002. Support is also available for vulnerable residents through South East Water’s Priority Services Register (link to: Register for priority services | South East Water)
Telephone lines
If a telephone line has come down or a pole is at risk of failing, please report it to BT online or by calling 0800 023 2023 and selecting option 1.
There may be cancellations to public transport services so please check before travelling. You can find the latest information on Stagecoach South Services, South Western Railway as well as information on road closures from National Highways.