In March 2019 the council adopted a new Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) regarding Heritage (the SPD), which is a material consideration for the determination of planning applications and listed building consent submissions.
The SPD forms an important part of the council’s positive approach to protecting and, where possible, enhancing its historic environment. It provides detailed guidance that applicants and their agents need to consider in order to ensure that they meet the council’s requirements relating to heritage issues. It also contains additional information concerning how the council fulfils its responsibilities in relation to heritage related issues.
The SPD will support the implementation of relevant policies in the adopted Local Plan (2011 to 2029), primarily concerning the Historic Environment (EM11), Landscape (EM1) and delivering high quality development (EM10), in addition to a number of site specific allocation policies (SS3.1 to SS3.12).
Heritage Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)(PDF)
Heritage SPD Adoption Statement(PDF) [194 kb]
Heritage SPD Consultation Statement(PDF) [5 Mb]
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