In July 2018 the council adopted an Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Housing for the determination of planning applications from 1 August 2018. The Housing SPD was produced to expand upon the housing policies in the adopted Local Plan (2011-2029). It comprises a number of individual chapters relating to: affordable housing; housing mix for market housing; housing for older people and those in need of care; and self-build and custom housebuilding.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has been revised a number of times since the adoption of the Housing SPD. The NPPF is an important material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
The NPPF (2019) updated the threshold for the size of planning applications that can provide affordable housing. It requires that affordable housing 'should not be sought for residential developments that are not major developments, other than in designated rural areas'. Major development, for housing, is defined as developments of 10 or more homes, or sites with an area of 0.5ha or more.
The council will apply these thresholds in the determination of planning applications. Table 2.1 in the SPD is therefore superseded, and the council will apply the thresholds set out below:
Dwellings (net) | Site area | Affordable housing requirement |
1-4 | <0.5ha | No affordable |
1-4 | >0.5ha | Equivalent off-site contribution |
5-9 outside AONB | <0.5ha | No affordable |
5-9 in AONB | <0.5ha | On-site provision |
5-9 | >0.5ha | On-site provision |
10+ | All | On-site provision |
Table 2.1 Site size thresholds for affordable housing
The NPPF also changes the definition of affordable housing. This supersedes the definition set out in SPD Appendix 2.1. You can view the new definition outlined on Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The council is also requiring First Homes to be provided as part of the affordable housing. You can view the council’s First Homes Interim Policy Statement.
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