From Monday 28 September 2020 to Monday 9 November 2020 the council held an issues and options consultation to inform the Local Plan update. This non-statutory consultation asked for views on the identified key planning issues facing the borough over the next Local Plan period (to at least 2038) and potential options to address them. The consultation provided all stakeholders with the opportunity to shape the plan at an early stage. Further information can be found on the Local Plan update webpage.
The main consultation documents published during the consultation remain available to view below.
The issues and options consultation closed in November 2020.
The council has reviewed all of the representations received and has created a summary of the representations received, which can be viewed below:
Issues and options summary consultation(PDF) [5 Mb]
Representations on this consultation can be viewed upon request. If you would like to view any particular representations for this consultation, please contact the Planning Policy team by emailing
Whilst the council did not undertake a Call for Sites as part of the issues and options consultation, a number of newly promoted sites were submitted through the consultation. The council has produced a high level summary of the sites received, which can be viewed below. Some additional information and amendments to existing site promotions were also submitted, the details of these are accessible via the relevant representations from site promoters.
New sites promoted through Issues and Options consultation(PDF) [2 Mb]
The consultation document sought views on the identified key planning issues and relevant options for the borough. It included a number of questions for consideration.
Issues and options consultation document(PDF) [14 Mb]
Issues and Options Consultation Response Form(DOCX) [76 kb]
Section 9, Question 9(e) of the issues and options consultation document invited the promotion of land to be considered for adoption as Local Green Space. The corresponding Guidance Note and Submission form are provided below.
Local Green Space Promotion Guidance Note(PDF) [135 kb]
Local Green Spaces Site Promotion Form(DOCX) [68 kb]
In addition to the main issues and options consultation document, some supporting information was also published alongside the consultation.
Promoted Sites document
This lists all sites promoted to the council prior to the start of the Issues and Options consultation in September 2020. Inclusion in the SHELAA does not signify council support for future development on sites. Sites will be assessed through the Local Plan update process, with suitable sites being allocated in a draft plan. The council has not yet published a draft plan (due end of 2021).
Promoted Sites Document(PDF) [562 kb]
Settlement Study (Part 1)
This considers the relative sustainability of settlements in the borough, enabling them to be placed in a sustainability category. The study will help to determine suitable levels of growth for each settlement. Questions on the outcomes of the study are contained in the main consultation document.
Settlement Study (Part 1)(PDF) [547 kb]
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
The SA Scoping Report has been prepared as part of the Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) process for the Local Plan Update, and forms part of the Plan’s evidence base.
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report(PDF) [6 Mb]
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report - Appendix 1(PDF) [276 kb]
Site Assessment Methodology
This outlines the proposed methodology for assessing potential development sites and the process for selecting sites considered suitable for allocation in the Local Plan Update.
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