Land and building asset register

The Local Government Transparency Code requires us to publish details of each of the council’s land and building assets on an annual basis, which you can find below. For further information on the Transparency Code, please take a look at our webpage on what is open data?

Guidance on using the data on the land and building asset register

Local land asset data is published under the Open Government Licence. However, third party Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) may not permit the opening up of the data for free reuse.

The address information (and in particular the unique property reference number and the easting and northing) fall under third party IPR as the data is owned by the Ordnance Survey and GeoPlace LLP. The postcode is owned by Royal Mail.

Land asset information is published under the Open Government Licence v3 in order to meet the requirements of the Transparency Code.

Further guidance about derived data and the Public Sector Mapping Agreement Licences visit the Ordnance Survey website.

The Property Register is contained in the council's new property management information which holds property information within a hierarchy of site, building, lettable unit and lease. The data published here is at site level.


Excel document Land and Buildings Asset Register - June 2024(XLSX) [151 kb]

Excel document Land and Buildings Asset Register - June 2024(CSV) [189 kb]

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