Expenditure exceeding £500
We are required to publish all expenditure exceeding £500 on a quarterly basis. We now publish details of all expenditure monthly.
This information can be found by visiting our payments webpage.
Government procurement card transactions
We are required to publish details of all spend on government procurement cards (or corporate credit cards) on a quarterly basis. We publish all spend information on a monthly basis, which can be found by visiting our corporate card transactions webpage.
Invitations to tender and quote
The council’s Contract Standing Orders require us to raise invitations to tender and advertise opportunities for all contract values in excess of £75,000. All contracts with a value of £75,000 or over are published on the South East Business Portal.
Contracts Register
View our current contracts listed in our Contracts Register.
Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSE)
We are required to publish details of all grants made to VCSE organisations, which includes payments with values less than £500, on an annual basis. Find information on these grants on the voluntary and community sector grants webpage.
Details of grants provided under the Local Infrastructure Fund (LIF) can be found on the LIF webpage.