Open data and its uses

The idea of open data is that non-personal information held by government and local councils should be freely available for anyone to use.

We want to make our data available for the benefit of everyone, so that:

  • we increase the transparency and accountability of what we do
  • you can re-use, remix and share the data in new and interesting ways
  • you can use the data to create useful applications and websites

For further information on the Local Government Transparency Code visit the GOV.UK website.

Data can you can expect to find

The Local Government Transparency Code requires us to publish information under the following themes:

Spending and procurement

Expenditure exceeding £500
We are required to publish all expenditure exceeding £500 on a quarterly basis. We now publish details of all expenditure monthly.
This information can be found by visiting our payments webpage.

Government procurement card transactions
We are required to publish details of all spend on government procurement cards (or corporate credit cards) on a quarterly basis. We publish all spend information on a monthly basis, which can be found by visiting our corporate card transactions webpage.

Invitations to tender and quote
The council’s Contract Standing Orders require us to raise invitations to tender and advertise opportunities for all contract values in excess of £75,000. All contracts with a value of £75,000 or over are published on the South East Business Portal.

Contracts Register
View our current contracts listed in our Contracts Register.

Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSE)
We are required to publish details of all grants made to VCSE organisations, which includes payments with values less than £500, on an annual basis. Find information on these grants on the voluntary and community sector grants webpage.
Details of grants provided under the Local Infrastructure Fund (LIF) can be found on the LIF webpage.

Undisputed invoices paid within 5 and 30 days

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council must publish annually statistics showing the proportion of undisputed invoices paid within 5 days and 30 days. We also need to publish the total amount of any liability to pay interest which arose during the year and the total amount of interest actually paid in discharge of any such liability.

Financial year 2021/22 Percentage of invoices paid within 5 days Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days Total amount of interest paid Total amount of interest liable (whether paid or not)
1st Quarter 10.68% 82.66% £0.00 £3,395.60
2nd Quarter 8.68% 87.49% £0.00 £9,215.31
3rd Quarter 13.94% 90.09% £1,570.89 £5,360.86
4th Quarter 13.55% 91.41% £0.00 £3,238.87
Financial year 2020/21 Percentage of invoices paid within 5 days Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days Total amount of interest paid Total amount of interest liable (whether paid or not)
1st Quarter 12.30% 92.16% £0.00 £1,765.90
2nd Quarter 7.19% 87.92% £0.00 £2,457.59
3rd Quarter 5.61% 87.63% £0.00 £7,291.00
4th Quarter 10.99% 87.97% £0.00 £4,119.24
Financial Year 2019/20 Percentage of invoices paid within 5 days Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days Total amount of interest paid Total amount of interest liable (whether paid or not)
1st Quarter 7.52% 91.48% £0.00 £1,468.96
2nd Quarter 5.49% 91.07% £0.00 £3,254.65
3rd Quarter 9.16% 93.06% £0.00 £1,572.06
4th Quarter 13.05% 93.81% £0.00 £1,707.14
Financial Year 2018/19 Percentage of invoices paid within 5 days Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days Total amount of interest paid Total amount of interest liable (whether paid or not)
1st Quarter 14.98% 94.63% £0.00 £1,297.83
2nd Quarter 15.78% 93.93% £0.00 £1,802.48
3rd Quarter 9.15% 93.06% £0.00 £2,079.36
4th Quarter 8.06% 91.58% £0.00 £2,162.02
Financial Year 2017/18 Percentage of invoices paid within 5 days Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days Total amount of interest paid Total amount of interest liable (whether paid or not)
1st Quarter 11.32% 87.74% £0.00 £5,152.63
2nd Quarter 16.19% 90.45% £0.00 £2,912.09
3rd Quarter 22.11% 93.94% £0.00 £3,479.44
4th Quarter 17.36% 94.31% £0.00 £1,059.63

Land assets and parking

Local authority land
We are required to publish details of each of the council’s land and building assets on an annual basis. This information can be found on the land and building asset register webpage. If you wish to reuse this data, please refer to any restrictions set out under ‘Using our Data’.

Parking accounts
We are required to publish a breakdown of income and expenditure on the council’s parking account. Details of revenue collected from on-street parking, off-street parking and Penalty Charge Notices can be found in the Annual Parking report. The annual report can be found on the parking enforcement webpage.

Parking accounts surplus
We are required to publish details of how we have spent any surplus on our parking account. You can find this information on our parking enforcement webpage

Parking spaces
We are required to publish the number of marked out controlled on and off-street parking spaces, or an estimate of the number of spaces where controlled parking is not marked. Information on parking spaces can be found on Find a car park page.

Organisation and salary information

Organisation chart
We are required to publish an organisation chart covering the top three management tiers of the organisation. We are currently publishing an organisation chart which identifies all roles within the organisation.

Senior salaries
We are required to publish salaries of senior staff, together with a list of responsibilities. Information on senior officers remuneration is provided in the latest annual statement of accounts.

The council's senior management consists of the Senior Leadership Team (Chief Executive, two Executive Directors, the Head of Law and Governance and the Head of HR) and heads of service. Information on their responsibilities is available on our organisational structure webpage.

Pay multiple
This is defined as the ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings for the given year (including base salary, variable pay, bonuses, allowances and the cash value of any benefits-in-kind) and the median earnings figure of the whole of the council’s workforce. Further details can be found in Pay Policy Statement.

Trade Union facility time
We are required to publish the following information under this heading:

  • total number of staff who are union representatives
  • total number of union representatives who devote at least 50% of their time to union duties
  • names of all Trade Unions represented in the local authority
  • a basic estimate of spending on unions
  • a basic estimate of spending on unions as a percentage of the total pay bill

PDF document Trade Union Facility Time 2020-21(PDF) [63 kb]

We are required to publish information about our counter-fraud work.

Excel document Fraud data 2020-21(XLSX) [12 kb]

Excel document Fraud data 2020-21(CSV) [3 kb]

Excel document Fraud data 2019-20(XLSX) [12 kb]

Excel document Fraud data 2019-20(CSV) [3 kb]

Excel document Fraud data 2018-19(XLSX) [13 kb]

Excel document Fraud data 2018-19(CSV) [3 kb]

Excel document Fraud data 2017-18(XLSX) [13 kb]

Excel document Fraud data 2017-18(CSV) [3 kb]

Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection and under the Transparency Code we must now also publish the Constitution on our website.

Additional information

We also publish various datasets of information which is frequently requested under the Freedom of Information Act. This data can be found on our webpage - frequently requested information

Using our data

Our open data is released under the Open Government Licence (version 3). This explains what you can and cannot do with the data.

Some data might be removed (known as ‘redaction’). For example, personal information that could identify an individual, or information that is commercially sensitive.

Local authority land

Local land asset data is published under the Open Government Licence. However, third party Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) may not permit the opening up of the data for free reuse.

The address information (and in particular the unique property reference number and the easting and northing) fall under third party IPR as the data is owned by the Ordnance Survey and GeoPlace LLP. The postcode is owned by Royal Mail.

Royal Mail makes a distinction between address information which has been created and that which has been cleansed using the Postal Address File. Royal Mail have agreed that using the Postal Address File (PAF) for confirming rather than creating an address of an asset is cleansed data. For the address to be considered as created, would require the organisation to learn that an asset existed through interrogation of the PAF. Royal Mail cleansed data can be published openly on a website and can be freely re-used.

The Ordnance Survey has released the free use of UPRNs under the “presumption to publish” policy and we are permitted to publish geo-coordinates x and y if they are derived from Ordnance Survey maps for land asset information only. Land asset information is published under the Open Government Licence v3 in order to meet the requirements of the Transparency Code.

Further guidance about derived data and the Public Sector Mapping Agreement Licences

File formats

We have made as much data as possible available in an open, 'machine-readable' format (such as CSV), that does not require you to install any specific software. We are also aiming to publish this information in a more user friendly format - this may be an Excel file, a Word document or a .pdf document.

Contact details

Data Protection Officer

Telephone: 01256 845663

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