How we process personal information


The reasons we use your data to

  • to provide accountancy and financial services to council departments
  • to record deposits, loans and contract payments owed to and from the council
  • record employees’ salaries for the purposes of setting annual budgets and council tax
  • assess your financial suitability as a commercial tenant
  • keep proper accounting records for inspection and future use
  • complete financial accounts and evidence our accounts to the external auditors

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • we have a legal duty to keep proper and adequate financial records under the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015
  • we are allowed to use your data in order to meet legal obligations and where it is necessary to perform a contract or other agreement with the council
  • we are allowed to use your data where it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name of company or individual
  • contact details, including address, email, telephone
  • amount of deposit, loan or payment received or made
  • bank details and credit references
  • payments made and received

Special category data

We hold County Court Judgement data which is used in our financial vetting reports.

Who we can share your data with

We can share your data with councillors, other council departments and external auditors.

How long we will keep your data for

In general financial information needs to be kept for seven years (current plus six years) unless they relate to long term contracts or agreements.

Financial information for long-term projects or contracts is retained for the lifetime of the scheme.

Some financial records such as Section 106 agreements and VAT records can be kept for up to 20 years.

Basing View project

The reasons we use your data

  • to promote the Basing View project
  • to engage with the business community
  • to keep the business community informed, for example through news, travel alerts
  • to general business contacts

Why we are allowed to use your data

Data is used either because individuals have given consent for us to do so or where it is necessary for a contract.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • names
  • addresses
  • contact details of businesses within Basing View

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

We do not share this information with any third party.

How long will we keep your data

  • where processing by consent, personal data will be held until consent is withdrawn or where it is no longer necessary for us to hold the data
  • where processing is in relation to a contract, it is retained for six years after the term of the contract has expired


How we collect and use your information

The council is the data controller for the personal information you provide to enable us to administer claims for housing benefit and council tax support. You can contact us by phone on 01256 844844, via email to or by writing to us at Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke RG21 4AH.

The council’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

What type of information do we collect and why do we need your personal information

  • Your information will be used to enable us to assess your entitlement to housing benefit, council tax support, local welfare provision and to recover overpaid housing benefit. The information we need includes your name, address, National Insurance number, bank details, income and capital, and details of other people who live with you. We will also need details of how much rent you pay and who your landlord is.
  • We need to have a lawful reason to collect and use your personal data. For housing benefit and council tax support our legal basis is because it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.
  • We sometimes need information about people other than the person who has applied for housing benefit/council tax support, for example, information about grown up children who live with you as part of your household. We need this information to determine the correct level of any deductions that may apply when calculating your entitlement. You should advise any non-dependants who live with you that their data will also be processed.
  • Housing benefit is processed by legal obligation under the Social Security Administration Act, the Housing Benefit Regulations and the Fraud Act. Council tax support is processed by legal obligation under the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
  • If you do not provide the information we ask for we may not be able to process your claim.

How my information is stored and how long it is kept for

  • your data will be held on computer and may be stored in a country outside of the UK. We will ensure that personal data will only be held within the European Economic Area or in a country with sufficient data protection legislation in place
  • we will keep your details on our housing benefit/council tax support database for seven years after you cease to have a live claim or have repaid your overpaid housing benefit

Sharing information

Your personal data may be shared with other teams within the council in order to detect and prevent fraud, to provide you with a service, to carry out a public task or otherwise where we are required to do so. Data may be shared with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for the purpose of ensuring the accuracy of your claim and for the prevention and detection of fraud, or for purposes of overpayment recovery. We may also share it with other local authorities. We may share the data with third parties if we are required by law to do so, or to provide you with a service. This may include the Police or Government Agencies.

Sharing information with your landlord could help us to deal with your claim more quickly and reduce the risk of you falling behind with your rent because of your claim being delayed.

If your housing benefit is paid directly to your landlord, then we can discuss payment details (for example award dates and amounts) as we have to give your landlord this information.

With your permission we would also be able to tell your landlord if:

  • you have claimed housing benefit
  • we have made a decision on your claim, or
  • we need more information to make a decision and what that information is

We won’t give your landlord any information about your personal or family circumstances. It will not affect your claim if you do not give us permission to discuss your claim with your landlord, and if you give us consent then you can withdraw this at any time.

You can withdraw your permission at any time by email to or by telephone on 01256 844844.

Your rights under the general Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

  • to be informed
  • of access
  • to rectification
  • to erasure
  • to restrict processing
  • to data portability
  • to object
  • rights related to automated decision making, including profiling

Please note not all of these rights apply to all processing. Further details on each right can be found on our GDPR webpage.

If you are not happy

If you are not happy with the way the council is handling your personal information you have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner:

Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Telephone 0303 123 1113

Where can I get more information

Further details can be found on the Information Commissioner Office website.

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • the lawful basis for using data for council tax is on the basis that processing is necessary for compliance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992
  • the lawful basis for using data for business rates is on the basis that processing is necessary for compliance with the Local Government Finance Act 1988

The categories of personal data we hold and process includes:

  • names and addresses
  • occupancy status, such as who is liable for council tax and how many adults reside in your property
  • contact details including your postal address, telephone number and email address
  • financial information and bank account details
  • employment and benefit details
  • sensitive personal information, such as information about your physical and mental health
  • appointee/representative details

Special category data


How and from who we collect information about you

  • you (the charge payer) and your appointees/representatives
  • landlords
  • other council departments
  • other local authorities and public bodies
  • the Department for Work and Pensions
  • the registrar of births, deaths and marriages
  • the register of electors
  • other organisations including GPs, health services, police, welfare advisory services, credit reference agencies, enforcement agents

How your information will be used to

  • bill and collect council tax
  • recover unpaid council tax
  • assess entitlement to and award discounts, exemptions and council tax support

Who we can share your data with

We share information with a number of different people and organisations depending on the service being provided or the statutory requirements that we must comply with.

  • other council departments where it is permitted by law or where necessary to deliver public functions
  • other local authorities
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • enforcement agents
  • credit reference agencies and debtor tracing services
  • solicitors, Insolvency Practitioners and Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service
  • Valuation Office Agency
  • Valuation Tribunal Service
  • Police authorities
  • Office for National Statistics
  • National Fraud Initiative
  • elected members, Members of Parliament and advice agencies when acting on your behalf
  • our processing contractors, Civica

How long we will keep your data for

  • call recordings are retained for 31 days, unless attached to complaints
  • software systems hold data for six years plus the current year except in cases where the account is still active, for example still open, or closed with outstanding debt/more recent transactions

Bins and recycling

The reason we use your data

The council processes your personal information for:

  • waste and recycling collection services
  • general queries
  • assisted waste collections
  • clinical waste collections
  • bulky waste collections
  • additional capacity

Why we are allowed to use your data

Depending on the contact, processing of your data will be:

  • necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest and/or in the exercise of a legal obligation vested in the council
  • necessary for the performance of a contract for example, if you sign up for the garden waste collection
  • with consent when we are processing special category data identified below

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name
  • address
  • telephone number
  • e-mail address
  • date of birth
  • credit/debit card details if making payment for services
  • access photos if required for example, we are providing an assisted collection

Special Category data

  • health data
  • disability information
  • NHS number for assisted waste and clinical waste collections, and general queries
  • health data related to medical information
  • NHS number

Who we can share your data with

  • Serco in relation to the waste contract and garden waste collection
  • Hart District Council, who form part of the joint waste contract with Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, and Serco, our waste collection contractor, for the purpose of providing the waste collection services
  • we may share your information with other teams within the council in order to provide a service to you, to ensure our records are kept up to date or otherwise where we are required to do so
  • we will not disclose any information to other organisations unless we are required by law to do so or to prevent fraud

How long will we keep your data?

Your personal details will only be held as long as is needed for the reasons we have identified for using your data, and in accordance with our retention policy.

  • annual reviews for assisted collections and additional capacity, part of an annual review. Old records will be deleted on receipt of renewal or if no renewal then they are deleted
  • call recordings are retained for 31 days, call recordings attached to complaints will be retained in accordance with our complaint handling procedure
  • web enquiries (emails) are deleted three months after the process is complete
  • customer exit survey postcards – destroyed once data is entered into SNAP
  • information held in the CRM system will be retained for three months with the exceptions of garden waste – 13 months

Building Control

The reasons we use your data is to

  • process applications for building regulation approval
  • process retrospective applications for building regulation approval
  • process requests for demolition of property
  • investigate reports of dangerous buildings
  • process building control applications under partnership arrangement

Why we are allowed to use your data

To meet our statutory requirements.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name, address, contact telephone number and email of applicant and agent
  • card payments made via web form or taken over the phone
  • name, address and contact details of person reporting dangerous structure and dangerous structure owner details if known

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

  • if structural calculations are required plans are sent to structural engineer company. Plan only sent, so minimal information on plan
  • also may share with Water Authority, Hampshire Fire and Rescue, Health and Safety Executive and Hampshire County Council

How long will we keep your data?

Destroy 15 years after construction completed unless for listed or significant buildings, then retain permanently.

Business Rates

The types of information we hold and process includes:

  • names
  • addresses
  • occupancy details, such as who is liable for business rates and details of lease/freehold interest in the property
  • contact details including postal address, telephone number and email address
  • financial information and bank account details
  • company status

How and from who we collect information about you

  • you (the rate payer)
  • landlords, developers and property agents
  • other council departments
  • other local authorities and public bodies
  • other organisations including police, credit reference agencies and enforcement agents
  • Companies House

How your information will be used

  • bill and collect business rates
  • recover unpaid business rates
  • assess entitlement to and award reliefs and exemptions

Who your information may be shared with

We share information with a number of different people and organisations depending on the service being provided or the statutory requirements that we must comply with.

  • other council departments where it is permitted by law or where necessary to deliver public functions
  • other local authorities
  • enforcement agents
  • credit reference agencies and debtor tracing services
  • solicitors, Insolvency Practitioners and Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service
  • Valuation Office Agency
  • Valuation Tribunal Service
  • Police authorities
  • elected members, Members of Parliament and Advice Agencies when acting on your behalf

How long we keep hold of information

  • call recordings are retained for 31 days, unless attached to complaints
  • software systems hold date for six years plus the current year except in cases where the account is still active, for example still open, or closed with outstanding debt/more recent transactions

Communications and Marketing

The reasons we use your data

  • to deal with media enquiries
  • use of photographic images in council publications and on our website
  • to provide electronic mailings such as Basingstoke and Deane Today and news and events
  • where customers have returned response forms from publications

Why we are allowed to use your data

Where we have consent to do so.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • names
  • addresses
  • contact details
  • email addresses
  • images of individuals, of media and residents

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

Images may be used in publications and on our website.

How long will we keep your data?

Five years for photographic images, or until consent withdrawn, if sooner. All other processing until consent withdrawn.

Community Investment

The reasons we use your data to

  • hold contact data for those participating in groups and activities that residents have signed up to participating in community-led planning groups, community activities; conservation groups and conservation activities
  • co-ordinate activities and meetings of the groups
  • promote information flow to residents on information relating to their chosen activities and interests
  • hold contact data for individuals, trustees and key holders running community centres and halls
  • hold information on individual volunteers relevant industry standard “tickets” for use of machinery in conservation activities; when they are accredited and when they are due

Why we are allowed to use your data

The processing of data is based on consent.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name
  • address
  • contact details
  • email
  • telephone number
  • sometimes address
  • industry standard “tickets” for conservation work

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

Contact details are only shared with other members of the group residents have signed up to, if they have signed up to share information, and with relevant BDBC officers only in relation to the activities of the group. Any further communication relating to BDBC information signposting or consultations would be sent via the officers supporting the group only.

How long will we keep your data?

Retained as long as individuals remain the valid contacts (for example stay within the group/run the community hall) or until consent is withdrawn.

Community Wellbeing - Climate Change

The reasons we use your data

  • to promote energy efficient initiatives, including directing residents to low carbon loans
  • to promote landlord and home owner grants
  • Basingstoke Green Week
  • as a general contact list
  • Heat Network mapping and masterplan
  • Warm Homes Scheme

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • provision of personal data for loans and grants will be necessary in order to enter into a contract
  • other processing is where we have consent

The categories of personal data obtained

  • names, addresses, contact details of residents, evidence of benefit and bank account details for landlord and home owner grants
  • names and contact details of residents or service providers for general contact list
  • names and contact details of businesses for Heat Network mapping
  • names, addresses, income and benefit information for Warm Homes Scheme

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

  • low carbon loans are provided by the Parity Trust. Residents will apply direct to the Trust
  • Warm Homes Scheme – information is provided to YES Energy services who will check eligibility for the scheme

How long will we keep your data

  • landlord and home owner grants – personal data is retained for seven years after the grant has been provided
  • contact details will be held until superseded
  • Warm Homes Scheme – personal data is retained for three years

Community Wellbeing - Community Support

The reasons we use your data

We may use your data for the following reasons:

  • Community Safety Patrol Officers (CSPO) notebooks
  • to deal with complaints against anti-social behaviour
  • to issue warnings for anti-social behaviour and environmental offences
  • to issue fixed penalty notices (FPNs) and community protection notice (CPNs)
  • to follow up in writing to the address you have provided
  • to take further or formal action against you where necessary and appropriate
  • images from body worn video
  • to bring prosecutions for offences
  • surveys in relation to community safety activity
  • officer safety information
  • to make referrals on safeguarding concerns
  • recording of images on CCTV
  • to record information for the prevention and detection of crime and anti-social behaviour
  • if you have reported a concern to us we may share your personal data with other teams within the council and with other agencies, including, but not limited to, housing associations and the police, if this is necessary in order to investigate and help resolve the matter

Why we are allowed to use your data

The processing of personal data by the Community Safety Patrol Officers (CSPOs), including the use of CCTV and Body Worn Video, will be necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the council or in accordance with their powers as an accredited officer of Hampshire Constabulary.

The CSPOs are accredited by Hampshire Constabulary and have the following delegated powers. The use of these powers requires the acquisition and processing of personal data:

  • name and address
  • name and address for antisocial behaviour
  • persons aged under 18 to surrender alcohol
  • seize tobacco from a person under 16
  • remove abandoned vehicles
  • stop cycles
  • issue fixed penalty notice for cycling on a footpath
  • issue fixed penalty notice for fly-posting
  • issue fixed penalty notice for littering
  • issue a PND (Penalty Notice for Disorder) for throwing fireworks
  • name and address for road traffic offences
  • control traffic for purposes other than escorting a load of exceptional dimensions

The categories of personal data obtained

Names, addresses and contact details, body worn video and CCTV images.

Special category data

Details of suspected criminal activity and ethnicity.

Who we can share your data with

  • Information relating to anti-social behaviour and offences may be shared, where necessary, with other council departments and other agencies including, but not limited to, housing associations and the police
  • Safeguarding information will be shared with other agencies as part of a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub and the Police where necessary
  • Information placed on our databases may be shared with the Police and other agencies where relevant
  • CCTV and body worn video images will be shared with the Police where necessary for identification and prosecution purposes. CCTV in The Malls, Top of Town and Leisure Park is monitored on behalf of the council
  • Where you are aged 18 or under, we may share information with your parent or guardian
  • If you have reported a concern to us we may share your personal data with other teams within the council and with other agencies, including, but not limited to, housing associations and the police, if this is necessary in order to investigate and help resolve the matter

How long will we keep your data

  • CSPO Notebooks: seven years from last action.
  • anti-social behaviour complaints and warnings for ASB and environmental offences: seven years from last action if formal action is taken, and two years if informal action is taken
  • CCTV and body worn video images are retained for 31 days unless required for evidential purposes. If the images are used as evidence, they will be retained for one year
  • court files relating to prosecutions are retained for seven years from last action
  • officer safety information: two years unless the risk is ongoing
  • safeguarding referrals: seven years

Community Wellbeing - Economy and Culture

The reasons we use your data

We may use your data for the following purposes:

  • business database which is used to collect information on local business for the purpose of economic development and business engagement and support work
  • to conduct surveys in relation to events provided by the council
  • to process applications for events on council land
  • to maintain a mailing list to advise of events taking place
  • for events provided or supported by the council, including the Transport Festival, Kite Festival, Basingstoke Live
  • for the purposes of inward investment
  • grant applications under the Basingstoke Area Strategic Partnership (BASP)

Why we are allowed to use your data

Most of the processing will be based on consent. Personal data collected for events on council land will be necessary for the performance of a contract.

The categories of personal data obtained

Names, addresses and contact details of residents, performers, event organisers and businesses.

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

Information may be shared with the event promoter for Basingstoke Live.

How long will we keep your data

  • Contact details are retained until superseded or consent withdrawn.
  • Agreements for use of council land for events/festivals – seven years.
  • Details of volunteers and street buskers and entries for Basingstoke Festival – two years.
  • Registration forms for Basingstoke Live – one year.

Community Wellbeing - Healthy Communities

The reasons we use your data

We may use your data for the following reasons:

  • to undertake consultations and surveys
  • to provide health initiatives, such as Walk into Health and Couch to 5k running course
  • to provide safeguarding and first aid courses
  • to provide coach/club workshops and seminars
  • to undertake a Leisure and Recreation Needs Assessment

Why we are allowed to use your data

Local authorities have a duty to promote healthy lifestyles. The processing of personal data for the functions listed above will be necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the council.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • names
  • addresses
  • contact details and some medical information of residents, volunteers and sports clubs and providers

Special category data

Medical information may be collected if relevant in relation to sports and fitness activities.

Who we can share your data with

Personal data will be shared with the sports or course provider.

How long will we keep your data

  • Responses to consultations and surveys will be retained for two years
  • Personal data retained for one year for safeguarding; first aid courses, coach/club workshops and seminars and physical activity sports and activities.

Council Tax

How we collect and use your information

The council is the data controller for the personal information you provide to enable us to administer claims for housing benefit and council tax support. You can contact us by phone on 01256 844844, via email to or by writing to us at Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke RG21 4AH.

The council’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

What type of information do we collect and why do we need your personal information

Your information will be used to enable us to assess your entitlement to :

  • housing benefit
  • council tax support
  • local welfare provision
  • to recover overpaid housing benefit.

The information we need includes:

  • your name
  • address
  • National Insurance number
  • bank details
  • income and capital
  • details of other people who live with you
  • details of how much rent you pay and who your landlord is

We need to have a lawful reason to collect and use your personal data. For housing benefit and council tax support our legal basis is because it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.

We sometimes need information about people other than the person who has applied for housing benefit/council tax support, for example, information about grown up children who live with you as part of your household. We need this information to determine the correct level of any deductions that may apply when calculating your entitlement. You should advise any non-dependants who live with you that their data will also be processed.

Housing benefit is processed by legal obligation under the Social Security Administration Act, the Housing Benefit Regulations and the Fraud Act. Council tax support is processed by legal obligation under the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

If you do not provide the information we ask for we may not be able to process your claim.

How my information is stored and how long it is kept for

Your data will be held on computer and may be stored in a country outside of the UK. We will ensure that personal data will only be held within the European Economic Area or in a country with sufficient data protection legislation in place.

We will keep your details on our housing benefit/council tax support database for seven years after you cease to have a live claim or have repaid your overpaid housing benefit.

Sharing information

Your personal data may be shared with other teams within the council in order to detect and prevent fraud, to provide you with a service, to carry out a public task or otherwise where we are required to do so. Data may be shared with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for the purpose of ensuring the accuracy of your claim and for the prevention and detection of fraud, or for purposes of overpayment recovery. We may also share it with other local authorities. We may share the data with third parties if we are required by law to do so, or to provide you with a service. This may include the Police or Government Agencies.

Sharing information with your landlord could help us to deal with your claim more quickly and reduce the risk of you falling behind with your rent because of your claim being delayed.

If your housing benefit is paid directly to your landlord, then we can discuss payment details (for example award dates and amounts) as we have to give your landlord this information.

With your permission we would also be able to tell your landlord if:

  • you have claimed housing benefit
  • we have made a decision on your claim
  • we need more information to make a decision and what that information is

We won’t give your landlord any information about your personal or family circumstances. It will not affect your claim if you do not give us permission to discuss your claim with your landlord, and if you give us consent then you can withdraw this at any time.

You can withdraw your permission at any time by email to or by telephone on 01256 844844.

Your rights under the general Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

You have the following rights under the GDPR. Please note not all of these rights apply to all processing. Further details on each right can be found on our GDPR webpage. The right:

  • to be informed
  • of access
  • to rectification
  • to erasure
  • to restrict processing
  • to data portability
  • to object
  • Rights related to automated decision making, including profiling

If you are not happy

If you are not happy with the way the council is handling your personal information you have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner:

Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Telephone 0303 123 1113

Where can I get more information

Further details can be found on the Information Commissioner Office website.

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • The lawful basis for using data for council tax is on the basis that processing is necessary for compliance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
  • The lawful basis for using data for business rates is on the basis that processing is necessary for compliance with the Local Government Finance Act 1988.

The categories of personal data we hold and process includes:

  • names and addresses
  • occupancy status, such as who is liable for council tax and how many adults reside in your property
  • contact details including your postal address, telephone number and email address
  • financial information and bank account details
  • employment and benefit details
  • sensitive personal information, such as information about your physical and mental health
  • appointee/representative details

Special category data


How we collect information about you

  • you (the charge payer) and your appointees/representatives
  • landlords
  • other council departments
  • other local authorities and public bodies
  • the Department for Work and Pensions
  • the registrar of births, deaths and marriages
  • the register of electors
  • other organisations including GPs, health services, police, welfare advisory services, credit reference agencies, enforcement agents

How your information will be used

  • bill and collect council tax
  • recover unpaid council tax
  • assess entitlement to and award discounts, exemptions and council tax support

Who we can share your data with

We share information with a number of different people and organisations depending on the service being provided or the statutory requirements that we must comply with:

  • other council departments where it is permitted by law or where necessary to deliver public functions
  • other local authorities
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • enforcement agents
  • credit reference agencies and debtor tracing services
  • solicitors, Insolvency Practitioners and Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service
  • Valuation Office Agency
  • Valuation Tribunal Service
  • Police authorities
  • Office for National Statistics
  • National Fraud Initiative
  • elected members, Members of Parliament and advice agencies when acting on your behalf
  • our processing contractors, Civica

How long we will keep your data for

  • call recordings are retained for 31 days, unless attached to complaints
  • software systems hold data for six years plus the current year except in cases where the account is still active, for example still open, or closed with outstanding debt/more recent transactions

Customer Services - Contact Centre

The reasons we use your data

To deal with enquiries and service requests made via the council’s Contact Centre, web enquiries (emails), web chat and in person to our reception.

Why we are allowed to use your data

Depending on the contact, processing will be:

  • necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the council
  • necessary for the performance of a contract for example, if you sign up for garden waste collection

The categories of personal data obtained

  • names
  • addresses
  • contact details
  • credit/debit card details if making payment for services
  • recordings are made of calls into the contact centre

Special category data

No special category data is collected, unless it is provided by the customer in relation to a complaint or other issue which is being raised.

Who we can share your data with

  • other council teams
  • other agencies, such as Hampshire County Council, if the matter relates to a function not carried out by the council
  • Hart District Council as lead authority for the waste contract and for garden waste collection
  • Serco in relation to the waste contract and garden waste collection

How long will we keep your data

  • call recordings are retained for 31 days
  • call recordings attached to complaints will be retained in accordance with our complaint handling procedure
  • web enquiries (emails) are deleted three months after the process is complete
  • post received logs – six months
  • visitor forms – one month
  • Information held in the CRM system will be retained for three months with the following exceptions:

    • Garden waste – 13 months
    • Parking permits – 13 months
    • Parks and Streetscene enquiries – six months

Customer Services - Corporate Support

The reasons we use your data

  • analysing results of surveys via Snap Surveys
  • provision of concessionary parking for blue badge holders
  • to log and respond to corporate complaints

Why we are allowed to use your data

Depending on the contact, processing will be necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the council.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • names
  • addresses
  • contact details

Special category data

No special category data is collected unless it is provided by the customer in relation to a complaint or other issue which is being raised.

Who we can share your data with

  • other council teams
  • The Malls for the provision of concessionary parking
  • other agenda such as Hampshire County Council if the matter relates to a function not carried out by the council

How long will we keep your data

  • Surveys – three months after results are provided to the requesting officer
  • Corporate complaints – five years
  • Blue badge applications – hard copies are disposed of once scanned. Electronic copies are retained until expires, unless notified by the customer

Customer Services - Web Team

The reasons we use your data

The content management system (CMS) collects data via forms which are then forwarded electronically to the relevant team.

Why we are allowed to use your data

To provide customers with a service, enable them to make applications or generally communicate with us.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • names
  • address
  • contact number
  • email
  • date of birth
  • financial information
  • NI number
  • Information related to a request for a local tax discount/exemption

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

Information is passed electronically to the relevant council service.

How long will we keep your data

Once the data has been passed to the relevant business unit/team, the information is held on the CMS for 14 days and then it is automatically removed.

Democratic Services

The reasons we use your data

  • Councillors details
  • to assist with public engagement in the democratic process by holding details of the public in the following instances:
    • petitions
    • questions
    • those wishing to address committee
  • name and address of applicants for planning and licensing, as provided by relevant team, which appear on committee agendas
  • invitations to Mayoral events
  • requests for the Mayor to attend functions
  • webcast at meetings, legal requirement to allow filming
  • names and addresses of outside bodies

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • Councillors details are publicly available by law, subject to legitimate exemptions
  • names and addresses of petitioners, questioners and those addressing committee for correspondence
  • names of petitioners, questioners and those addressing committee for the public record of the meeting (minutes)
  • webcast of meetings, for the public record
  • to keep informed of Mayoral activities
  • safeguarding
  • insurance
  • names and addresses of outside bodies for correspondence

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name, address, email and contact details generally
  • wedding anniversary date, date of birth, special dietary requirements, vehicle details

Special category data

Equalities information for councillors.

Who we can share your data with

  • Councillors details are publicly available by law, subject to legitimate exemptions.
  • Petitioners and questioners details may be shared with the relevant section in the Council to ensure an appropriate response is provided.

How long we will keep your data for

  • Councillors details are kept for the duration of their term of office - four years
  • hard copy minutes prior to going electronic are stored indefinitely in archives in Winchester
  • committee agendas electronically indefinitely
  • council agenda and minutes, in basement
  • signed minutes for all committees held here for approximately two years and then sent for archiving
  • outside body information for as long as they require council representation
  • information for the Mayoralty is retained for two years (year of office and year after)

Electoral Services

The reasons we use your data

Electoral Registration (Electoral Registration Officer [ERO] function)

  • individual Electoral Registration (ERO) applications
  • verifying applications to be registered to vote
  • Absent Vote Applications, this includes applications to vote by post and proxy

Elections (Returning Officer [RO] function)

  • database of casual election staff
  • payroll information
  • details for candidates and agents, this includes home addresses, office addresses and contact details

Why we are allowed to use your data

The lawful basis to collect the information is that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest and exercise of official authority as set out in Representation of the People Act 1983 and associated regulations.

The includes the necessary information that is required for a complete application to be registered to vote.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • names
  • address
  • date of birth
  • National Insurance Number
  • contact details

Special category data

Official documentary evidence to verify identities for the purposes of electoral registration.

Information pertaining to the registration of anonymous electors. This can include court orders and information regarding protected identities.

Who we can share your data with

Not all of the data listed above is available to those entitled to copies of the electoral register and copies of official election notices.

The electoral register, containing only names and addresses is available to:

  • political parties
  • elected representatives
  • HM Courts and Tribunal Services
  • Electoral Commission
  • BCE
  • other third parties as set out under RPA 1983 and associated regulations

How long we will keep your data for

15 years for the purposes of checking registrations for overseas electors.

Information not required for this purpose, such as NINOs and documentary evidence are redacted after one year.

Environmental Health - Food and Safety

The reasons we use your data

  • To carry out requests for service submitted by businesses, members of the public and other agencies in respect of the statutory services we provide. This may include the investigation of complaints relating to various environmental protection issues , food safety, health and safety in the workplace or private sector housing standards.
  • In order that we are able to carry out our statutory duties in relation to the legislation we are responsible for administering and enforcing, for such functions as environmental protection, food safety, health and safety at work, investigating notifiable accidents in the workplace, infectious disease control, housing standards, disabled facilities grants and adaptations and public health.
  • To issue advice, warnings, legal notices and legal proceedings against persons breaching the legislation we are responsible for enforcing.
  • To share information with partner agencies such as Housing Associations, the Police Social Services, the Home Office, Food Standards Agency, Fire Officer or other agencies and internal departments where relevant to our investigations, where there are safeguarding concerns about vulnerable individuals or for the detection and/or prevention of crime.
  • To maintain appropriate contact information on areas of environmental regulation that you might be subject to as a business or a private water supply.
  • To process applications for licensing, registration, permits and grants, such as disabled facilities grants, licensing of special treatments and Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), caravan site licensing, food business registration and the issue of environmental permits, notifications of Private Water Supplies.
  • To signpost you to services or support you might ask for or need.

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • The processing of personal data will be necessary for the performance of a task that is prescribed by law, carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the council.
  • Because you have asked us to investigate a complaint or crime which is affecting you, and so this is done on the basis of a contract with you.
  • Because you have applied for, or registered for, a service which is administered by us and/or that is prescribed in law.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • As a norm we will record names, addresses, email address and telephone numbers.
  • Occasionally an in respect of specific functions we will need to record dates of birth, national insurance number, financial and benefit details in order to provide a service or carry out our statutory duties. The collection of such data will be commensurate with, and in proportion to, the activities undertaken by us.

Special category data

  • Details of criminal convictions may be obtained in association with our own criminal investigations.
  • If customers tell us about their own health issues related to a complaint they would like us to investigate, then this information is captured.
  • It is necessary to collect some data relating to health to carry out our duties, for instance in respect of administering disabled facilities grants, and for food safety and infectious disease investigations and control and the investigation of workplace accidents. This information is shared with us by other agencies such as the Health and Safety Executive, Public Health England and Occupational Therapy teams.

Who we can share your data with

  • Information relating to anti-social behaviour linked to nuisance investigations may be shared with the Police, Housing Association (if there is one), a private landlord (if there is one) and the Community Safety team within the council.
  • Safeguarding information will be shared with other agencies as part of a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub and the Police where necessary. If you have asked for a service or we are required to provide a service, we may share your data with companies the council use to provide services e.g. pest control, private water supply sampling and analysis, and stray dog collection These companies will only use your information to provide you with this service.
  • We may share your data with other enforcement agencies such as the Food Standards Agency, Home Office, Environment Agency, Police, Fire Officer, other teams within the council or other Local Authorities where necessary for the detection of crime and/or fraud.
  • We may share your data with other agencies or third parties as required in order to carry out our services and where we are required to do so by law, such as landlords.

How long we will keep your data for

The specific retention periods for different types of information is detailed in the council retention schedule and policy. See the section relating to Environmental Health for specific details.

Environmental Health - Pollution

The reasons we use your data

  • To investigate complaints the team are responsible for investigating.
  • To issue advice, warnings, legal notices and legal proceedings against persons breaching legislation we are responsible for enforcing.
  • Share information with partner agencies such as Housing Associations, the Police and Social Services where relevant to our investigations or there are safeguarding concerns about vulnerable individuals.
  • To maintain appropriate contact information on areas of environmental regulation that you might be subject to as a business or a private water supply.
  • To signpost you to services or support you might ask for or need.

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • The processing of personal data will be necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the council.
  • Because you have asked us to investigate an environmental issue or crime which is affecting you, and so this is done on the basis of a contract with you.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • names
  • addresses
  • email address
  • telephone numbers

Special category data

  • Details of criminal convictions may be obtained in association with our own criminal investigations related to fly-tipping.
  • If customers tell us about their own health issues related to a complaint they would like us to investigate, then this information is captured.

Who we can share your data with

  • Information relating to anti-social behaviour linked to nuisance investigations can be shared with the Police, Housing Association (if there is one), a private landlord (if there is one) and the Community Safety team within the council.
  • Safeguarding information will be shared with other agencies as part of a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub and the Police where necessary.
  • We will share your data with companies the council use to provide services e.g. pest control, private water supply sampling and analysis, and stray dog collection to provide you with a service you have asked for, or that the council is required to provide. These companies will only use your information to provide you with this service.

How long will we keep your data

The specific retention periods for different types of information is detailed in the council retention schedule and policy. See the section relating to Environmental Health for specific details.

Exchequer and Insurance

The reasons we use your data

To process payments, administer sundry debtor process and action insurance claims.

Why we are allowed to use your data

To enable all council related activities to be processed on your behalf.

The categories of personal data obtained

As per other processing activities listed.

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

Data is not shared for core exchequer related functions however for insurance matters data is passed to our claim handlers.

How long we will keep your data for

As per other processing activities listed and data retention schedule which varies for a variety of areas.

Grants team

The reasons we use your data

Your information will be used so that we can assess your application for a grant and, if appropriate, administer a funding agreement relating to your application.

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • To ensure we have a named point of contact for communications relating to application and funding.
  • Monitoring material provided by funded organisations may include images of participants.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name and contact details
  • images of project participants may be included in case studies provided by funded organisations

Special category data

Necessary for the performance of a contract or to take steps to enter into a contract.

Who we can share your data with

  • other officers within the council who may assist in the grant application assessment process
  • a named contact in an external organisation if we request assistance in moderating applications for funding

How long will we keep your data

  • seven years where a grant is awarded
  • two years where a grant is not awarded

Housing Services - Housing Options/Homelessness

The reasons and why we are allowed to use your data

To assess and determine our statutory duties to prevent and relieve your homelessness under the Homeless Reduction Act 2017 and part 7 of the Housing Act 1996.

The categories of personal data obtained

For customers:

  • name
  • address
  • contact number
  • email
  • age
  • household make-up
  • medical issues
  • criminal history
  • debt history
  • NI number
  • address history
  • support needs
  • care needs

Special category data

  • race
  • ethnic origin
  • politics
  • religion
  • biometrics, where used for ID purposes
  • health
  • sex life
  • sexual orientation

Who we can share your data with

  • landlords
  • estate agents
  • registered providers
  • government agencies
  • accommodation providers
  • probation
  • children’s services
  • adult services
  • health professionals
  • support providers
  • other local authorities
  • children’s centres
  • other local authority departments
  • family members
  • advocates
  • police
  • education

How long will we keep your data

Seven years after closure of case.

Housing Services - Housing Register

The reasons we use your data

To assess your application for housing under part 6 of the Housing Act 1996 to determine whether you qualify for social housing.

Why we are allowed to use your data

To assess your application for housing under part 6 of the Housing Act 1996 to determine whether you qualify for social housing.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • Customers
    • name
    • address
    • contact number
    • e-mail
    • age
    • household make-up
    • medical issues
    • criminal history
    • debt history
    • NI number
    • address history
    • support needs
    • care needs

Special category data

  • race
  • ethnic origin
  • politics
  • religion
  • biometrics, where used for ID purposes
  • health
  • sex life
  • sexual orientation

Who we can share your data with

  • landlords
  • estate agents
  • registered providers
  • government agencies
  • accommodation providers
  • probation
  • children’s services
  • adult services
  • health professionals
  • support providers
  • other local authorities
  • children’s centres
  • other local authority departments
  • family members
  • advocates
  • police
  • education

How long will we keep your data

6 years after closure of case.

Housing Services - Rent Bond

The reasons we use your data

  • If you are a landlord we will keep your name, contact details and bank account details to arrange payments and contact you about relevant housing related issues.
  • If you are a customer looking for accommodation, your information will be used to help you secure accommodation in the private sector.

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • If you are a landlord we will keep your name, contact details and bank account details to arrange payments and contact you about relevant housing related issues.
  • If you are a customer looking for accommodation, your information will be used to help you secure accommodation in the private sector.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • Landlords:
    • name
    • address
    • contact number
    • email
    • bank account details
  • Customers:
    • name
    • address
    • contact number
    • email
    • age
    • household make-up
    • medical issues
    • criminal history
    • debt history
    • NI number
    • address history
    • support needs
    • care needs

Special category data

  • race
  • ethnic origin
  • politics
  • religion
  • biometrics, where used for ID purposes
  • health
  • sex life or sexual orientation

Who we can share your data with

  • landlords
  • estate agents
  • registered providers
  • government agencies
  • accommodation providers
  • probation
  • children’s services
  • adult services
  • health professionals
  • support providers
  • other local authorities
  • children’s centres
  • other local authority departments
  • family members
  • advocates
  • police
  • education

How long will we keep your data

Seven years after the closure of the case.

Human Resources

If you work for Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council the following will apply.

The reasons we use your data

  • to perform the employment contract that we are party to
  • to carry out legally required duties
  • for us to carry out our legitimate interests
  • to protect your interests
  • where something is done in the public interest
  • where we have obtained your consent

All of the processing carried out by us falls into one of the permitted reasons. Generally, we will rely on the first three reasons set out above to process your data. For example, we need to collect your personal data in order to:

  • carry out the contract that we have entered into with you
  • ensure you are paid

We also need to collect your data to ensure we are complying with legal requirements such as:

  • ensuring tax and National Insurance is paid
  • carrying out checks in relation to your right to work in the UK
  • making reasonable adjustments for disabled individuals

We also collect data so that we can carry out activities which are in the legitimate interests of the council. We have set these out below:

  • making decisions about who to offer initial employment/engagement to, and subsequent internal appointments, promotions
  • making decisions about salary and other benefits
  • providing contractual benefits to you
  • maintaining comprehensive up to date personnel records about you to ensure, amongst other things, effective correspondence can be achieved and appropriate contact points in the event of an emergency are maintained
  • if you are an employee, effectively monitoring both your conduct and your performance and to undertake procedures with regard to both of these if the need arises
  • if you are an employee, offering a method of recourse for you against decisions made about you via a grievance procedure
  • assessing training needs
  • implementing an effective sickness absence management system including monitoring the amount of leave and subsequent actions to be taken including the making of reasonable adjustments
  • gaining expert medical opinion when making decisions about your fitness for work
  • Managing statutory leave and pay systems such as maternity leave and pay
  • business planning and restructuring exercises
  • dealing with legal claims made against us
  • preventing fraud
  • ensuring our administrative and IT systems are secure and robust against unauthorised access

Health and Safety:

  • assistance in complying with legislation and best practice
  • the information required for the recording and where necessary the reporting of accidents and incidents
  • robust risk assessments for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and wellbeing of those affected by the authority’s activities
  • effective systems for the monitoring of health and safety performance throughout the authority together with means for reporting and responsibility for instigating any corrective measures found necessary
  • a robust audit and review process designed to measure safety performance generally and the compliance with the authority’s policies and relevant statutory provisions
  • appropriate levels of information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that all employees are aware of any hazards to which they may be exposed and the measures used to control any significant risks arising
  • support services to benefit the wellbeing of employees
  • support for the following policies and arrangements

Why we are allowed to use your data

One of the reasons for processing your data is to allow us to carry out our duties in line with your contract with us. If you do not provide us with the data needed to do this, we will unable to perform those duties eg ensuring you are paid correctly. We may also be prevented from confirming, or continuing with, your employment/engagement with us in relation to our legal obligations if you do not provide us with this information eg confirming your right to work in the UK or, where appropriate, confirming your legal status for carrying out your work via a criminal records check.

Health and Safety:

We rely upon the following laws to process your personal data:

  • Data Protection Act 2018
  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
  • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
  • Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
  • Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 As Amended By The Health And Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002

The categories of personal data obtained

  • your personal details including your name, address, date of birth, email address, phone numbers
  • your photograph
  • gender
  • marital status
  • dependants, next of kin and their contact numbers
  • medical or health information including whether or not you have a disability
  • information used for equal opportunities monitoring about your sexual orientation, religion or belief and ethnic origin
  • information included on your application form including references, education history and employment history
  • documentation relating to your right to work in the UK
  • driving licence
  • bank details
  • tax codes
  • National Insurance number
  • current and previous job titles, job descriptions, pay grades, pension entitlement, hours of work and other terms and conditions relating to your employment/engagement with us
  • letters of concern, formal warnings and other documentation with regard to any disciplinary proceedings or, in the case of workers, confirmation of other discussions about your conduct
  • internal performance information, formal warnings and related documentation with regard to capability procedures, appraisal forms or, in the case of workers, confirmation of other discussions about your performance
  • leave records including annual leave, family leave, sickness absence etc
  • details of your criminal record
  • training details
  • CCTV footage
  • building entry card records
  • car registration and make/model details for claiming of car allowances/mileage and for the car parking permit database

Special category data

  • health
  • race
  • ethnic origin
  • political opinion
  • religion
  • trade union membership
  • genetic and biometric data

We must process special categories of data in accordance with more stringent guidelines. Most commonly, we will process special categories of data when the following applies:

  • you have given explicit consent to the processing
  • we must process the data in order to carry out our legal obligations
  • we must process data for reasons of substantial public interest
  • you have already made the data public

We will use your special category data:

  • for the purposes of equal opportunities monitoring
  • in our sickness absence management procedures
  • to determine reasonable adjustments

We do not need your consent if we use special categories of personal data in order to carry out our legal obligations or exercise specific rights under employment law. However, we may ask for your consent to allow us to process certain particularly sensitive data. If this occurs, you will be made fully aware of the reasons for the processing. As with all cases of seeking consent from you, you will have full control over your decision to give or withhold consent and there will be no consequences where consent is withheld. Consent, once given, may be withdrawn at any time. There will be no consequences where consent is withdrawn.

Who we can share your data with

Your data will be shared with colleagues within the council where it is necessary for them to undertake their duties. This includes, for example, your line manager for their management of you, the HR department for maintaining personnel records, and the payroll department for administering payment under your contract. We may share your information with Exchequer Services for the purpose of recovering outstanding sums owed to the council.

We share your data with third parties in order to obtain references as part of the recruitment process . We will share your personal data with HMRC for the purpose of taxation and Hampshire County Council if you are in the council’s pension scheme. Information will also be shared with relevant third parties, as necessary, for the purpose of occupational health. If you are a member of the Healthcare scheme or sign up to receive other benefits, such as the salary sacrifice car scheme, we will share data with these providers.

We may also share your data with third parties as part of a Council restructure, or for other reasons to comply with a legal obligation upon us.

We do not share your data with bodies outside of the European Economic Area.

Health and Safety:

To deliver services to you, it may be necessary for us to share your personal data with the following organisations/partners:

  • Health and Safety Executive

How long we will keep your data for

  • HR records are destroyed after six years from date of leaving
  • records containing superannuation information/ Payroll and Pensions for seven years

Internal Audit

The reasons we use your data

  • used to enable the Chief Internal Auditor to provide an annual opinion on the council’s risk management, internal control and governance arrangements
  • minimise the council’s losses to fraud and error

Why we are allowed to use your data

Governed by legislation primarily the following:

  • Accounts and Audit Regulations
  • Local Audit and Accountability Act
  • Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act
  • Police and Criminal Evidence Act
  • Local Government Act
  • Data Protection Act

The categories of personal data obtained

Customers, suppliers, staff.

Special category data

Will be dependent on details held by housing benefits, housing and council tax.

Who we can share your data with

The Cabinet Office, Action Fraud, Department for Work and Pensions, external auditor and other local authorities.

How long will we keep your data

  • Internal Audit Review (reports and working papers) - paper copies for two years, electronic copies for four years
  • fraud documentation including allegations - local electronic version retained for six years from closure and paperwork destroyed at time of closure, file scanned/indexed to relevant EDMS system, where relevant department’s EDMS retention then applies, paper version is destroyed at rejection date
  • interview under caution for six months after case closure or six months after ‘spent’ conviction, whichever is greater
  • Central Record of Authorised Officers Powers for two years
  • Data Protection Requests (S29(3), 35(2)) for six years
  • National Fraud Initiative records - documents/files used in sifting process destroyed/deleted three years following closure of exercise

IT Services

The reasons we use your data

  • to ensure secure access to IT and other software systems
  • to process help calls, service requests, projects and other tasks to ensure staff and councillors can continue to work

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • to ensure that you can access information and systems required to perform your duties

The categories of personal data obtained

  • staff names

Special category data

  • none

Who we can share your data with

We share information with cloud service providers where they are contracted by the council to supply services. We can also share information Government agencies where appropriate.

How long will we keep your data

  • user accounts are kept for the term of employment plus two weeks, in exceptional circumstances we can keep accounts for up to one year
  • help call and service request information is stored for one year

Legal Services - Planning and Litigation

The reasons we use your data

  • to institute and/or defend legal proceedings
  • to comply with legislative requirements
  • pursuant to statutory powers
  • in exercise of statutory powers

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • on a legal basis

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name
  • address
  • contact details
  • details of offence
  • information relating to debt
  • third party details
  • other information, for example property information and ownership details, tenancy agreements, personal information in sworn statements, photographs of dwellings, personal history, personal details of other current or former residents
  • details of complaints
  • details of individuals subject to surveillance
  • previous conviction data

Special category data

  • offence information (details of alleged offences)
  • previous convictions
  • medical or other sensitive data

Who we can share your data with

  • customers
  • suppliers
  • third parties
  • court
  • external counsel
  • tracing agents
  • Police
  • other relevant agencies, regulatory bodies, for example ICO, LGSCO

How long will we keep your data

  • general legal advice - six years of closing the file
  • Ombudsman complaints - six years from LGO decision
  • breach of condition notice - 12 years from opening of file
  • Enforcement Notice and Temporary Stop Notice - 12 years from the date the notice takes effect
  • footpaths - 12 years from opening of file
  • miscellaneous matters - 12 years from opening file
  • licensing hearings - permanently
  • Litigation – civil proceedings - six years from opening of file minimum
  • S106 - receiving, considering and responding to submissions and objections to planning schemes and amendments The Statutory Register – details of every planning application, S106 and S278 agreement. This is an “in perpetuity requirement” and includes the application forms, plans etc for all applications that are undecided, additionally the decision for those applications that are decided. S106 and S278 agreements should also be included in the register, along with details of any subsequent appeal - 12 years from opening file (original deed to be kept permanently).
  • Planning Inquiries - 12 years from opening file
  • Lawful Development Certificate (LDC) - 12 years
  • Article 4 (Planning) - retain permanently
  • Prosecutions - seven years from last action
  • fly tipping (prosecution) - six years
  • Permanent Traffic Regulation Orders - seven years after action completed
  • Stop Notice (Planning) - 12 years from opening file
  • Temporary Road Traffic Orders - seven years from opening file
  • Information Management Strategies and all supporting policies
  • the process of monitoring and reviewing strategic plans, policies or procedure to assess their compliance with guidelines - destroy five years from closure
  • Information Management advice - five years
  • Information Management guidance on Sinbad - Review annually and update as necessary
  • Information Management reports to SMG - two years
  • training material used for internal training with staff and Members - two years
  • e-learning modules - destroy as superseded
  • research materials - Destroy as superseded
  • information asset list (retention schedule) - review and update annually – retain original for two years
  • locating systems for archive stored information - permanent as superseded
  • correspondence relating to FOI and EIR requests - destroy three years after case closure
  • FOI/EIR requests on the disclosure log - two years
  • RIPA – Part 2 Directed Surveillance - destroy three years from date of cancellation
  • RIPA – statutory returns to the OSC and IOCCO - seven years
  • data controller notification documentation - destroy of once expired
  • Personal Request under DPA (Subject Access Requests) - destroy three years after case closure
  • Data Protection requests under Section 10 - destroy two years after case closure
  • reports of potential data breaches and details of investigations and action taken - destroy two years after completion of investigation

Legal Services - Property and Contracts

The reasons we use your data

  • to carry out legal work in relation to contracts, leases and licences and other agreements on behalf of client departments or as part of the shared Legal Service with Hart District Council
  • to comply with legislative or contractual requirements

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • to enter into a contract or other agreement with the council
  • legal basis

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name
  • address
  • contract details

Special category data

  • none

Who we can share your data with

  • relevant council teams
  • external lawyers
  • other parties to contracts, leases, licences and other agreements

How long we will keep your data for

  • contracts – six years from expiry of contract but if under seal, 12 years from expiry of contract
  • licences to occupy – six years from termination of licence but if under seal, 12 years from termination of licence
  • licence granting consent in relation to a lease, 12 years from termination of the relevant lease
  • leases - 12 years from termination of lease
  • transfer – 12 years from completion of the transfer

Licensing - Regulatory Services

The reasons we use your data

We use your personal data when you apply to the council for one of the following types of licence:

  • premises
  • temporary event notice
  • personal
  • operating
  • club gaming permit or club machine permit
  • alcohol licenses, premises gaming machine permit
  • non-commercial society (Small Social Lottery)
  • taxi driver (Hackney Carriage)
  • private hire driver
  • private hire vehicle
  • dangerous wild animals
  • pet shop
  • riding establishment
  • Zoo
  • animal boarding establishment
  • dog breeding
  • street trading
  • scrap metal dealers and collectors
  • complaints regarding licensed activities

Why we are allowed to use your data

The processing of personal data in relation to licence applicants will be necessary for the council to fulfil its public task to administer applications for licences, consents and permits and to ensure compliance with issued licences, consents and permits.

Licences are issued under various pieces of legislation which are set out below:

  • Licensing Act 2003
  • Immigration Act 1971
  • Immigration Act 2016
  • Gambling Act 2005
  • Town and Police Clauses Act 1847
  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976
  • Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976
  • Pet Animals Act 1951
  • Riding Establishments Act 1964
  • The Zoo Licensing Act 1981
  • Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963
  • Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Act 1999
  • Breeding of Dogs Act 1973 and 1991 (as amended)
  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 – Schedule 4
  • Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name, address and contact details of licence applicant
  • date of birth and nationality where necessary
  • name, address and contact details of complainants

Special category data

  • details of suspected criminal activity
  • details of convictions
  • medical information
  • Biographical data

Who we can share your data with

Where required or permitted under licensing legislation, and dependent on the type of licence, we may share data with:

  • The Home Office
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • HMRC
  • Department for Transport
  • Environment Agency
  • Hampshire Police
  • Hampshire Fire and Rescue
  • Health and Safety Executive
  • Hampshire County Council including child protection services, adult services, highways and trading standards
  • other departments within the council, primarily Environmental Health, Parks and Streetscene and Planning
  • other local authorities
  • Primary Care Trust
  • Gambling Commission
  • National Fraud Network
  • Inspecting Vets
  • Parish and Town Councils

Where required licences will form part of a public register which is available to view on the council’s website.

How long will we keep your data

  • personal data in relation to all licences is retained for two years from expiry or revocation of the licence
  • complaints regarding a licence holder or licensed premises will be retained as part of the licence file for the life of the licence, plus two years

Local Land Charges

The reasons we use your data

  • to carry out Local Land Charge searches on land and properties within the borough
  • to reveal charges in order to respond to Local Land Search requests
  • to provide new street names and to number houses and record and share data relating to new names and changes to house names
  • to maintain a database of all land and property within the borough

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • to carry out our legal statutory function and fulfil government initiatives

The categories of personal data obtained

  • search company contact, name, address, email
  • address of property being searched
  • names of residents and developers entering into legal agreements
  • name and contact details of developers, residents, ward members and parish councils
  • addresses

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

  • disclosed to the company conducting the search
  • supplied to Hampshire County Council as search addresses only to obtain responses to highway enquiries.
  • new address data (name of road/number and name of house only) made available to Royal Mail, Ordnance Survey, HM Land Registry and Emergency Services and internally to the Local Land and Property Gazetteer, which in turn is uploaded to the National Gazetteer Hub
  • the Local Land and Property Gazetteer is the corporate address database, available to all teams
  • Local Land Property Gazetteer change only updates are sent to the National Gazetteer Hub

How long we will keep your data for

  • matters for registration – permanent
  • matters for registration, exceptions from permanent retention
  • Disabled Facilities Grants – 10 years from certified date
  • Assets of Community Value – five years from registration
  • replies to enquiries and result of same - seven years from despatch, or seven years from last action
  • search fee payments – two years
  • Local Land and Property Gazetteer database – permanent
  • Local Land and Property Gazetteer operational papers – destroy once matching completed
  • street naming and numbering matters – permanent
  • street naming and numbering matters, exceptions from permanent retention
  • notification to Royal Mail of new development addresses and change of details – destroy seven years after last action
  • postcode notifications from Royal Mail – destroy seven years after last action
  • road name consultations – destroy seven years after last action.

Manydown Project

The reasons we use your data

We may use your data for the following reasons:

  • to undertake consultations into the proposed development of Manydown
  • to maintain a mailing list of residents who have requested updates on the project
  • to develop project documentation
  • to provide a Manydown website

Why we are allowed to use your data

Where we have consent to do so.

The categories of personal data obtained

Names and contact details of residents and business contacts.

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

Personal data may be shared with the council’s development partner where necessary.

How long will we keep your data

Two years after completion of the project, unless consent is withdrawn.


The reasons we use your data

  • to send out invitations to Mayoral events
  • to respond to engagement requests received for the Mayor to attend events
  • to keep you informed of Mayoral activities

Why we are allowed to use your data

The processing of data is based on consent.

The categories of personal data obtained

We hold personal data of the current and past Mayor or Mayoress, Deputy Mayor or Mayoress, councillors, dignitaries, associations, schools, colleges, care homes, community centres and groups, churches, performance groups and individuals who have consented to their data being retained:

  • name
  • address
  • email
  • telephone number
  • date of birth
  • wedding anniversary date
  • date passed away
  • vehicle details

Special category data

Health data in connection to special requirements such accessibility and allergies.

Who we can share your data with

  • relevant council officers and committee members in relation to a specific event, show or concert
  • our Exchequer and Insurance team only for the purposes of insurance

How long will we keep your data

  • details of current and previous Mayors, Mayoress and Deputies Mayors or Mayoress, and past Mayor’s Awards are retained permanently
  • details of performers and engagement requests are retained until the second anniversary of Mayor stepping down
  • details of performers including consent forms which include photo, safeguarding and media exposure are retained for five years
  • details of associations, organisations and details of those wanting to be kept informed of Mayoral activities are retained for five years

Natural Environment

The reasons we use your data

  • to process requests and provide services
  • for invoicing purposes
  • to complete resident/neighbourhood consultations
  • record ownership details
  • legal requirement to maintain records/register

Why we are allowed to use your data

The processing of personal data by the Natural Environment Team is required to enter into or maintain a contract for services.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name
  • address
  • contact details

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

  • system providers
  • housing associations

How long will we keep your data

Two years


The reasons we use your data

  • recording of images on CCTV, for the reduction and detection of crime and the safety and security of staff and assets
  • to process requests and provide services
  • invoicing purposes
  • to complete resident/neighbourhood consultations
  • record and ownership details (grave purchases)
  • legal requirement to maintain records/register (burials)
  • record details of accidents in council owned play areas

Why we are allowed to use your data

  • the processing of personal data by the Operations team is required to enter into or maintain a contract for services
  • the processing of personal data is a legal obligation for the purchase of grave spaces and accident recording

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name, address and contact details
  • CCTV images of staff, contractors and visitors

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

  • system providers
  • funeral directors / monumental masons (if directed to do so by the grave owner)
  • allotment site representatives
  • Clear Channel UK
  • Police
  • HSE
  • HR (CCTV)

How long will we keep your data

  • two years as per corporate retention
  • allotment tenancy agreements – three years (as per renewal)
  • register of burials is a permanent register
  • other cemetery records/receipts will be retained until the cemetery is closed (no active burials)
  • CCTV – 31 days unless required for an ongoing investigation and maximum one year

Parking and Engineering

The reasons we use your data

  • to deal with requests for dropped kerbs or disabled spaces on the road
  • general enquiries and complaints relating to traffic management, road safety and parking issues
  • to process temporary traffic orders
  • to undertake consultation in relation to permanent traffic orders
  • the processing of Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) in relation to parking and challenges/appeals against PCNs
  • the issue and renewal of parking permits
  • information in relation to blue badges in relation to PCN appeals or prosecutions for misuse
  • service of notice/PCN on untaxed vehicles
  • use of bailiffs and Traffic Enforcement Centre in relation to the non-payment of PCN
  • online payment of PCN and parking permits
  • pay by phone for car parking
  • ANPR technology for concessionary parking in The Malls car park
  • our parking wardens use body worn video which will capture images of individuals

Why we are allowed to use your data

The processing of personal data will be necessary to fulfil our public task in relation to engineering works and parking provision and enforcement.

We undertake some functions on behalf of Hampshire County Council, in particular:

  • the processing of traffic orders
  • the enforcement of blue badge use

Legislation covering our functions is:

  • Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
  • Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996
  • Traffic Management Act 2004
  • Disabled Persons Parking Badges Act 2013
  • The Vehicle Excise Duty (Immobilisation, Removal and Disposal of Vehicles) Regulations 1997

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name, address and contact details
  • Council Tax reference
  • proof of age if requesting free visitor parking for over 75s
  • information contained on blue badge and scanned image of badge
  • images of individuals captured on BWV

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

Where required or permitted under licensing legislation, and dependent on the type of licence, we may share data with:

  • contractors
  • Police in relation to BWV only in the case of violence towards our parking wardens
  • other council teams where necessary to provide a service to you or to collect payment

How long will we keep your data

  • general enquiries and service requests will be retained for two years
  • information relating to temporary and permanent traffic orders will be retained for seven years
  • corporate complaints will be retained for six years
  • BWV images are destroyed after 31 days unless they are required for evidential purposes

Planning and Development

The reasons we use your data

  • to process applications for planning permission
  • to investigate possible breaches of planning control
  • to provide help and advice prior to the submission of planning applications
  • to carry out public consultation on conservation area appraisals
  • implementation of CIL

Why we are allowed to use your data

To meet our statutory and legislative requirements

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name, address, contact details
  • medical/disability for fee exemptions
  • supporting statements may include ethnicity information
  • payments through Planning Portal or via contact centre
  • name, address, contact details of complainant and enforcement site

Special category data

Medical needs or disability or ethnicity details in support of applications.

Who we can share your data with

  • forms part of the public planning file, shared for statutory consultation purposes and available to view via website or by visiting offices
  • planning inspectorate in the event of an appeal

How long will we keep your data

  • permanent for planning register and planning applications
  • other documents for length of time application is live including period for discharge of conditions, seven years
  • legislative timescales for change of use, 10 years
  • all other documents one year to meet operational need
  • one year from the end date of the conservation area appraisal public consultation period
  • CIL operational requirement 10 years

Planning Policy

The reasons we use your data

  • consultation on local plan process
  • consultation on neighbourhood plan proposals
  • consultation on Supplementary Planning Document process
  • to register interest in self-build and information used to provide info regarding available plots

Why we are allowed to use your data

To meet our statutory and legislative requirements.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name
  • address
  • contact details
  • nationality in respect of Self Build Register

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

  • Local Plan Examiner
  • professional organisation

How long will we keep your data

  • the life of the local plan
  • self opt-out as detailed in the The Self-Build and Customer House Building Regulations 2016

Procurement and contracts

The reasons we use your data

Processing necessary for the performance of a contract or to take steps to enter into a contract.

Why we are allowed to use your data

Where we have consent to do so.

The categories of personal data obtained

  • name, address and contact details of suppliers, contactors, consultants, these can sometimes be sole traders
  • individuals CVs as part of the tender process

Special category data


Who we can share your data with

  • internal council teams
  • the project team, which may include external consultants and other local authorities

How long we will keep your data for

  • request for quotations (RFQ) - destroy - six years after the term of the contract has expired
  • purchase orders - destroy - six years after the end of the financial year in which the records were created, current year plus six years
  • supplier questionnaires (SQ) - destroy three years after start of contract to fulfil legal requirements or for successful bidder as per Contract Awarding (see information below)
  • tenders – specification and contract development - destroy three years after start of contract to fulfil legal requirements
  • tender issue and return - destroy three years after start of contract to fulfil legal requirements
  • Tender Evaluation
    • Ordinary Contracts destroy six years after the terms of the contract have expire
    • contracts Under Seal destroy 12 years after the terms of contract have expired
  • Property Maintenance Contracts - contract end plus 15 years or for successful bidder as per Contract Awarding (see information below)
    • Contracts Notice - destroy six years after the term of the contract has expired or contract not proceeded with
  • Tenders clarification questions - destroy six years after the term of the contract has expired or contract not proceeded with or for successful bidder as per Contract Awarding (see information below)
  • Tenders ‘successful’ - As per Contract Awarding (see information below)
  • Tenders ‘unsuccessful’ - destroy three years after start of contract
  • Contract Awarding
    • Ordinary Contracts – destroy three years after the term of the contract has expire
    • Contracts Under Seal - destroy - 12 years after the term of the contract has expired
    • Property Maintenance Contracts - contract End + 15 years
  • contract, post tender clarification and/or negotiation
    • Ordinary Contracts –destroy six years after the term of the contract has expired
    • Contracts Under Seal - destroy - 12 years after the term of the contract has expired or for successful bidder as per ‘Contract – awarding’ above.
  • Contract Management - Ordinary Contracts - destroy six years after the term of the contract has expired
    • Contracts Under Seal - destroy - 12 years after the term of the contract has expired
  • Contract Amendments - Ordinary Contracts – destroy six years after the term of the contract has expired
    • Contracts Under Seal - destroy - 12 years after the term of the contract has expired
  • Equalities - policy documents, working papers and guidance. EIA documentation (including signed validation forms) and ESG/EWG agendas, minutes – three years

Property Services

The reasons we use your data

  • tenant data to manage tenancies and leases
  • prospective tenant data to manage potential lettings/lettings enquiries
  • manage the data of our contractors to enable repairs and maintenance to our properties

Why we are allowed to use your data

Under legislation including:

  • Limitation Act 1980
  • Landlord and Tenant Act 1954

The categories of personal data obtained

  • names
  • addresses
  • phone numbers
  • bank details

Special category data

Health related information.

Who we can share your data with

  • tenant information with our contractors, suppliers, consultants and managing agents as necessary for the performance of specific tasks/works/projects
  • contractor information with our tenants for the performance of specific tasks/works/projects

How long will we keep your data

  • for the duration of the contract between us plus either six or 12 years dependant on the nature of the data
  • If there is no contract the data is retained for as long as is operationally necessary, for example whilst we are processing your enquiry

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