Proposal type
Erection or extension of a detached garage, floor area up to 60m²
Erection or extension of a detached garage, floor area over 60m²
Extension of a dwelling, total floor area up to 10m²
Extension of a dwelling, total floor area up to 40m²
Extension of a dwelling, total floor area up to 100m²
Extension of a dwelling, total floor area over 100m²
Alterations to or creation of a basement, floor area up to 100m²
Alterations to or creation of a basement, floor area over 100m²
Domestic underpinning, up to £25,000 in value
Domestic underpinning, over £25,000 in value
Internal alterations, up to £2,000 in value
Internal alterations, up to £5,000 in value
Internal alterations, up to £25,000 in value
Internal alterations, up to £50,000 in value
Internal alterations, up to £100,000 in value
Internal alterations, up to £150,000 in value
Internal alterations, up to £200,000 in value
Internal alterations, up to £300,000 in value
Internal alterations, over £300,000 in value
Replacement of glazed windows or doors
Garage conversion
Renovation of a thermal element
Rooms in the roof space
Work relating to electrical installation