The council works with Hampshire County Council on road and traffic issues and it can often be difficult to work out who is responsible. To help clarify some of the most common enquiries this page sets out who is responsible for what and provides contact details.
Hampshire County Council
Your first point of contact when reporting a footpath, road or highway issue should be via Hampshire County Council website
Faults, defects and potholes on roads
Street lighting
For street lighting faults and enquiries visit Hampshire County Council's webpage.
Highway maintenance
- roads, footpaths, bridges and subways
- overhanging trees/vegetation
- road signs (not street name plate signs)
- road markings
- vehicular and pedestrian dropped kerbs
- traffic lights (temporary locations)
- bollards
- flooding of the highway
- winter gritting
- grit (salt) bins
Road safety
- accident sites and casualty figures
- data analysis
- road safety audits
- accident prevention and investigation
- road safety education
- measures that tackle speeding issues
- highway safety schemes
For information on road safety please visit Hampshire County Council road safety webpage
Street works
- temporary traffic regulation orders (road closures, speed limits) - contact
- works by utility companies
- skip licences
- scaffolding licences
- banners on or over the highway
For information on licences and consents for street works go to Hampshire County Council website
Roads in new developments
Visit Hampshire County Council's website for information on roads in new developments.
Traffic lights
For information or report a problem with traffic systems go to Hampshire County Council website
- traffic lights (permanent locations)
- signal controlled pedestrian crossings
- traffic information signs (variable message signs)
Rights of way
These are paths and tracks which you can use to cross private land. If a member of public strays off a right of way onto land which they have no other rights of public access they will be committing a trespass. Visit Hampshire County Council's website - Rights of Way for further information, including:
- finding rights of way
- rights of way responsibilities
- online mapping service to plan your route
For information on rights of way please visit Hampshire County Council website
Traffic management
- HGV controls
- Banned turns
- One way streets
- Speed restrictions
- parking controls (yellow lines, permit parking) and enforcement
- on-street disabled persons parking bays
- new or improved road signs and lines
For further information visit Hampshire County Council's traffic management webpage
Highway development control
- planning applications
- planning appeals
- planning enforcement
For information on highway development control visit Hampshire County Council's website
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
- additional parking construction projects
- drop kerbs to assist disabled pedestrians
- car park traffic orders and maintenance
- road closures for minor events
Street furniture in public parks and green spaces
- street lighting
- litter bins
- public benches and seating
- bollards and signs
- street name plates
Contact us to report a problem.
Street or road name plate signs (not road traffic signs)
Contact us to report a missing or broken road or street sign.
Bus shelters
Report a problem with a bus shelter
Transport strategy
- public transport
- new bus shelters
- new cycle routes
Streetcare and cleansing
- abandoned vehicles
- dead animals
- fly-tipping
- vandalism
- dog fouling
- noise nuisance
- street nameplates
Report a problem with streetcare and cleansing
Street trading
- fast food vans in lay-bys
- selling of vehicles on the highway
Contact us to report street trading