Under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 all premises or individuals that wish to practice the following must register with local authority unless the treatments are done by or under the supervision of medical practitioner, then there is no need to acquire a premise licence:
You can make an application for personal registration and premises registration on the same form.
You must complete the full application process online and upload your completed form and supporting documentation to the GOV UK website online system.
Fee to register the premises £71
Fee to register an operator £130
Apply for a treatment registration on the GOV.UK website
Further guidance on the online application procedure can be found on the EU Services Directive page.
Once an application has been made and the fee(s) paid, arrangements will be made for an officer to visit you to ensure you comply with the strict byelaws and health and safety legislation. The operator and premises registration forms and a copy of the byelaws must be displayed in the premises.
If you practice the treatments without operator or premises registration you are committing an offence and could be fined up to £200.
Tacit consent will not apply as this may compromise public health. Please contact us if you have not been contacted within 28 days of submitting an application.
The practice of the above treatments are controlled through compliance with byelaws. If you practice the treatments without operator or premises registration you are committing an offence and could be fined up to £200. You could be fined a further £200 for failure to comply with the byelaws.
It is an offence to tattoo anyone under the age of 18 unless it is for medical reasons and carried out by a medical practitioner. This legislation is enforced by the police and if prosecuted a fine not exceeding £50 is issued for a first offence or a fine not exceeding £100 is issued for a repeat offence.
You must therefore keep records of each person that you tattoo and ensure you record the type of ID checked at the time of the tattoo on their consent form. We advise that you only accept valid passports or photo driving licenses as ID.
If you are found guilty of tattooing a minor we may revoke or suspend your personal registration and/or the premises registration for tattooing.
For further advice on legislative requirements and best practice please view the advice guidance on tattooing, piercing and semi-permanent make up.
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