Water cycle study

The protection of the water environment is a key issue for the borough. The borough's rivers are recognised as being of high quality and therefore particularly sensitive to change. Future growth and development in the borough may have an impact on the water environment.

The borough council commissioned a water cycle study, which formed part of the adopted Local Plan evidence base.

Phases 1 and 2 of the study were overseen by a steering group which comprised representatives of the following organisations:

  • Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
  • The Environment Agency
  • Hampshire County Council
  • Thames Water
  • Southern Water
  • Natural England
  • South East Water

The purpose of the study was to better understand the relationship between development and the water environment around Basingstoke, by examining the potential impacts of future growth on three main aspects of the water cycle:

  • Water Resources - potential increased demand for water and the infrastructure requirements to distribute it
  • Water Quality - potential increased generation of sewerage and other wastewater, requiring collection and treatment systems and the potential increased risk to the quality of the water environment including its ecology
  • Flood Risk - potential increase in wastewater or surface water run-off which could increase the risk of flooding.

Phase 1 of the study was completed in March 2007 and Phase 2 was completed in October 2009.

For further information, you can download the documents below.

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