Design and Sustainability SPD

In July 2018 the council adopted a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Design and Sustainability. The SPD:

  • Provides a positive framework for seeking to improve design standards, enhance the well-being of residents and increase the sustainability credentials of the borough.

  • Consolidates condenses, updates and enhances the previous version and draws on experiences from developments in the borough.

  • Addresses a broad range of design and sustainability issues, from strategic design considerations, down to the detailed design of individual buildings and extensions.


PDF document Design and Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)(PDF)

Please note: With regard to the bin specification on page 157, in the grid detailing bin capacity allowance, on the first line, this should say ‘up to and including four persons' 1 x 140 litre' rather than 1 x 240 litre.

PDF document Design and Sustainability SPD Adoption Statement(PDF) [186 kb]

PDF document Design and Sustainability SPD Consultation Statement(PDF) [2 Mb]

PDF document Design and Sustainability SPD Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening and Habitats Regulations Assessment(PDF) [484 kb]

For further information on good acoustic design for new development, please refer to the Guidance note for developers and consultants on noise assessments and reports for planning applications.

Guidance note for developers and consultants - Noise assessments and reports for planning applications

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Planning Policy Team

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