Make a payment online

Using a highly secure link you can pay for the following services online at any time by using most of the major debit or credit cards. Payments made through this website are processed for the council by Capita Software Service.

The council service can be established from the document number and must be quoted when making a payment. Services are as follows:

  • Council tax (Eight digits, begins with 6)
  • Business Rates (Non-Domestic Rates NDR) (Eight digits, begins with 5)
  • Penalty charge notices (PCN - parking fines) (Ten digits, begins with either BG or PA)
  • Invoice (property and miscellaneous debtor e.g. allotments and other invoices) (Eight digits, begins with 84)
  • Housing benefit overpayments (Eight digits, begins with 7)
  • Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) (Twelve digits, begins with C)

You can also pay for the following services where invoices are not produced:

  • Other miscellaneous payments, including:
    • various permits
    • licences
    • tree work
    • fixed penalty notices (FPN)
    • penalty notices for disorder (PND)
    • various courses
    • cemetery services
    • building control

Make a payment

Make a payment for a planning application or enquiry

If you would like to make a payment by an alternative method, please take a look at our make a payment page.

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© 2024 Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council