Directory of services that can support you

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Domestic abuse is never OK, and support is available. We hope you will find all the information here that you need to get the advice, information or support that you need.

Local services


In an emergency call 999.

To report domestic abuse that isn’t an emergency, please call 101 or visit their website, where there is a simple form to complete. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes.

Your report will go to the 24/7 contact centre and will be reviewed within a few hours.

The Police will get back to you within 24 hours, or at the time and in the way that you've asked them to (they ask for this on the form).

They won't send you a receipt email, as this could be a threat to your safety.

Paragon (part of the You Trust) - a local domestic abuse service

Offering advice and help to people experiencing domestic abuse, so that they can stay in their own home if it is safe to do so. They are able to provide or install extra safety measures free of charge, through their ‘target hardening’ scheme.

To get in touch you can:

Stop Domestic Abuse - a local domestic abuse service

Providing information, advice and assessment for people in Basingstoke experiencing domestic abuse. Their services can include:

  • support in accessing a refuge (temporary accommodation out of the area where victims and their children will be safely housed and receive specialist support to recover from domestic abuse)
  • outreach support in the local community
  • 1:1 support and advice
  • support for children and young people and group work

To get in touch you can:

Basingstoke Housing Options team - support with housing needs

Our Housing Team are proud to be undertaking accreditation by the Domestic Abuse Alliance (DAHA). We are here to support you and your family (where relevant) to find safe and suitable accommodation if you need to leave your home because of domestic abuse.

For more information visit our Housing Domestic Abuse webpage.

Start (formerly Basingstoke rape and sexual abuse crisis centre)

Offering confidential, specialist counselling and support services for anyone who has experienced sexual abuse and/or sexual assault, resulting in sexual trauma. The services are available to everyone, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, cultural or religious background.

To get in touch you can:

Hampton Trust - local support for people using abusive behaviours

This service runs domestic abuse prevention programmes to help perpetrators of domestic abuse to change their behaviours. They also have a range of community-based interventions for families experiencing domestic abuse and they aim to encourage non-abusive, healthy relationships. People can be referred to the Hampton Trust by a domestic abuse service, the police, or they can refer themselves.

To get in touch you can:

Victim support - independent service supporting people affected by crime

Providing free, confidential help to people who have been affected by crime in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. You can contact Victim Support for support regardless of whether you’ve contacted the police, and no matter how long ago the crime took place. You can contact them for support regardless of your immigration status in England and Wales.

To get in touch you can:

  • phone them on 0808 178 1641 from 8am – 8pm Monday-Saturday. Outside of those hours, you can call their 24 hour Support Line on 0808 16 89 111
  • a free live chat service available 24 hours a day
  • request support via Victim support website and a member of the team will get back to you within 3 working days.
Victim Care Hub - support for those affected by crime

Providing free, confidential support for victims of crime, their families and other people affected by crime who are residents of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

To get in touch you can:

Aurora New Dawn - local domestic abuse charity for women and children

A feminist-led charity dedicated to ending violence against women and children, and hidden violence. They offer safety, support, advocacy, and empowerment to survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking.

To get in touch you can

Blue Lamp Trust - offering free home safety improvements

Offers a completely free service to those who are vulnerable due to age (over 60), circumstance, disabled, or a victim of household crime. They provide crime and fire prevention advice to improve home safety (for example new locks, spy holes, door chains and smoke alarms).

To get in touch you can:

Online and national resources

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

Phone: 24 hour helpline 0808 2000 247
Website: National Domestic Abuse website

Kaleidoscopic - support for adult and child survivors of domestic abuse

Website: Kaleidoscopic website

Solace - support for survivors of rape or sexual assault

Phone: 0800 970 9952
Website: Solace website

Suzy Lamplugh Trust - support for anyone experiencing stalking

Phone: 0808 802 0300
Website: National Stalking Helpline website

Halo - support for victims of so-called 'honour' based violence, forced marriages and female genital mutilation (FGM)

Phone: 01642 683 045
Website: Halo Project website

Women's Aid - supporting women and children fleeing domestic abuse

Website: Women's Aid website

GOV.UK - support for victims of domestic abuse in other languages

Information in other languages

Citizens' Advice Bureau - Rushmoor - support for Nepalese victims of abuse

Website: Citizens' Advice Bureau website - Nepali Support Service

Refuge - support for female victims of domestic abuse from the Eastern European community

Website: Refuge service for women from Eastern Europe website

Southall Black Sisters - support, legal advice and funding options for survivors of domestic abuse with no recourse to public funds (NRPF)

Phone: 020 8571 0800
Website: Southall Black Sisters website

IDAS - support, advice and funding options for survivors of domestic abuse with no recourse to public funds (NRPF)

Phone: 03000 11 01 10
Website: IDAS website

Ashiana - support, advocacy and refuge accommodation for South Asian, Turkish and Iranian women experiencing domestic violence, sexual violence, forced marriage, honour-based violence or other forms of violence, in English & other languages

Phone: 0808 2000 247
Website: Ashiana website

Muslim women's network - national helpline offering specialist faith- and culturally-sensitive advice and counselling, for Muslim women and their families

Phone: 0800 999 5786
Website: Muslim Women's Network Helpline website

Galop - support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans+ victims of abuse

Phone: 0800 999 5428
Website: Galop website

Loving me - support for Trans and Non-Binary victims of domestic abuse or sexual violence

Phone: 07902 478958
Website: Loving Me website

Stay Safe East - support for survivors of domestic abuse with disabilities

Phone or SMS: 07865 340 122
Website: Stay Safe East website

Hourglass - support for older victims of abuse

Phone: 0808 808 8141
Website: Hourglass website

Respect - support for male survivors of domestic abuse

Phone: 0808 9010 327
Website: Respect Men's advice line website

Mankind - support for male survivors of domestic abuse

Phone: 01823 334 244
Website: ManKind Website

NDAS - refuge provision for male victims of domestic abuse

Phone: 0300 0120 154
Website: NDAS website

Safe project - support for young people affected by crime

Phone: 01865 582495
Website: Safe website

NSPCC - for if you have concerns that a child or young person is experiencing abuse

Phone: 0808 800 5000
Website: Reporting abuse website

Childline - telephone helpline for children and young people experiencing abuse

Phone: 0800 11 11
Website: Childline support for domestic abuse website

Operation Encompass - support for teachers who suspect that a child is experiencing domestic abuse at home

Phone: 0204 513 9990
Website: Operation Encompass website

Sign Health - support for victims of domestic abuse who are deaf or hard of hearing

How to get help for domestic abuse in BSL - link to video

Phone: 07860033214 (SMS) 02039472600 (CALL)
Website: SignHealth website

Freedom dogs project - dog fostering for domestic abuse victims

Phone: 0207 837 0006
Website: Freedom Dogs Project on the Dogs Trust website

Cats Protection - pet fostering service for victims of domestic abuse

Phone: 03000 121 212
Website: Lifeline fostering service on the Cats Protection website

Relate - relationship counselling and therapy

Phone: 0300 100 1234
Website: Relate website

Samaritans - 24/7 confidential listening service

Phone: 0300 100 1234
Website: Relate website

Flag DV - free legal advice for domestic abuse victims

Phone: 01635 015 854
Website: Flag DV website

NCDV - for help applying for an emergency injunction

Phone: 0800 970 2070 (press option 1)
Website: National Centre for Domestic Violence website

Rights of women - free and confidential legal advice for women

Phone: 020 7251 6577
Website: Rights of Women website

Finding legal options for women survivors (FLOWS) - legal support for women survivors of domestic abuse with an interactive map showing local services

Website: Flows Website

Domestic Violence Assist - UK Charity specialising in support with Non-Molestation Orders (NMOs), Occupation Orders, etc

Phone: 0800 195 8699
Website: dvassist website

KJ Smith solicitors - solicitors offering 45 minutes free advice from a trained IDVA

Phone: 01256 58 4000
Website: KJ Smith solicitors website

Clare's law - request information under Clare's Law: Make a Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) application

Website: Hampshire Police/Claire's law webpage

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