Baughurst Neighbourhood Plan
The Baughurst Neighbourhood Area application for designation was approved on the 18 May 2023. Information associated with the Neighbourhood Area designation can be viewed below.
Highclere Neighbourhood Plan
In October 2024, the borough council undertook a screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The results of the screening report and the decision notice is available to view below:
Highclere Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Report
Highclere Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Decision Notice
The Highclere Neighbourhood Plan Designation Area was approved on the 5 November 2018. Information associated with the Neighbourhood Area designation can be found below:
Highclere Neighbourhood Area map(PDF) [3 Mb]
Highclere Neighbourhood Area application(PDF) [7 Mb]
The council has also agreed to withdraw the area previously designated for a Neighbourhood Development Order in Penwood, as requested by the Parish Council.
North Waltham Neighbourhood Plan
The North Waltham Neighbourhood Plan Designation Area was approved on the 10 August 2015. North Waltham Parish Council will commence work on a neighbourhood plan in the near future.
Information associated with the neighbourhood area designation can be viewed below:
Overton Neighbourhood Plan
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
Consultation on the Pre-Submission Overton Neighbourhood Plan will take place from 1 February to 16 March 2025. For further information visit the Overton Parish Council website.
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment
In May 2024, the borough council undertook a screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The results of the screening report and the decision notice are available to view below:
Overton Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Report
Overton Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Decision Notice
Pamber Neighbourhood Plan
The Pamber Neighbourhood Plan Designation Area was approved on the 1 December 2017. Information associated with the Neighbourhood Area designation can be viewed below.
Silchester Neighbourhood Plan
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
Consultation on the Pre-Submission SNP took place from 6 November to 18 December 2024. Visit the Silchester Parish Council website.
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment
In October 2024, the borough council undertook a screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The results of the screening report and the decision notice is available to view below:
Silchester Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Report
Silchester Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Decision Notice
Neighbourhood Plan area designation
The Silchester Neighbourhood Plan Designation Area was approved on the 16 October 2023. Information associated with the Neighbourhood Area designation can be viewed below.
Contact the relevant town or parish clerk if you have any queries about specific neighbourhood plan proposals, or the Local Plan team.