Other Planning Policy Guidance

First Homes Interim Policy Statement (December 2021)

This note sets out the council’s requirements for First Homes, which should be included on sites that provide affordable housing.

New homes in the countryside to meet a locally agreed need - guidance note

The council has produced a guidance note that provides further information on how criterion (e) of Policy SS6 of the Adopted Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029 (ALP) should be applied to planning applications. This was updated in January 2019. The guidance note can be viewed below:

New homes in the countryside on previously developed land - guidance note

The council published a guidance note in relation to criterion (a) of Policy SS6 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029 in January 2019. The guidance note can be viewed below:

Marketing guidance notes

In some cases, the Local Plan requires applicants to carry out a marketing exercise of a property/site to determine whether there is a demand for an existing use.

This guidance note sets out what is expected from an applicant when they are undertaking a marketing exercise, and the minimum standard of information that should be provided as part of any submission.

Historic Environment guidance

The following guidance has been produced and adopted by the council to guide development affecting heritage assets.

For further information on any of the subjects covered please contact a member of the Historic Environment Team by emailing development.control@basingstoke.gov.uk. Visit the Historic Environment webpages.

The Heritage SPD (March 2019) provides detailed and comprehensive guidance to support the implementation of relevant policies in the adopted Local Plan, primarily concerning the Historic Environment (EM11), but also Landscape (EM1) and Delivering High Quality Development (EM10), in addition to a number of site specific allocation policies (SS3.1- SS3.12).

View the Heritage SPD

View our conservation areas webpage for planning advice and guidance in conservation areas or contact a member of the Historic Environment Team.

Take a look at our trees webpage for guidance on trees in conservation areas or contact one of the Tree Officers in the Natural Environment Team by emailing customer.service@basingstoke.gov.uk

Conservation Area Appraisals

The council has produced a Conservation Area Appraisal for each conservation area in the borough. View our Conservation Area Appraisals and associated maps.

The conservation areas are being re-appraised on a rolling basis, with new appraisals added to the above webpage.

Landscape and Natural Environment

The Landscape, Biodiversity and Trees Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) addresses how each of these considerations should inform new development. The Green Infrastructure Strategy published in November 2018 also provides information on the implementation of Local Plan Policy EM5 (Green Infrastructure).

View the Landscape, Biodiversity and Trees Supplementary Planning Document

View the Green Infrastructure Strategy

The council has produced a Countryside Design Summary which explains the design relationship between the borough's landscape, settlement patterns and buildings.

Countryside design summary (PDF) [3Mb]

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